cole SA an WS iin Wa ane as wo ‘have with it, but as a coach and a member of the rules body I think the geme is too much hockeyiged at present. There is too mach of See Gee Aes Oat eee ee te ee players jumping for balle ng, jumping, Tanke Seething and climbing are the fundamental) activities of mms Therefore, cum foo wy wales they eliaionte elt fp tails thay sous elininate the conter tape In my 80 years of ‘ilies < vik die ti ia iee te fured at the verter junp and especially when we have the three Gefoot radius cirelese That seems to ms as much protection as anybody could or should wants With every good wish, 1 em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach»