SRORTING) GOODS) 2 Ss S== |S 1508-10 GRAND AVENUE PHONE GRAND 1911 KANSAS Crry, Mo. July 8, 1938 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen c/o University of Kansas Physical Education Dept. Lawrence, Kan. Dear Phog: | Taft Talbot has asked us to try and find some of those lastex hose for you, such as were made by the Bike Webb Manufacturing Company several years ago. We have been corresponding with the factory on this and they advise us that the hose did not prove a successful seller. They discontinued its man- ufacture and our representative has endeavored to obtain them from another source in the East without any results. T,erefore, Phog, I guess that we can't quote you on that type hose, as they are not made any longer. Sorry we can't help you in this instance. Best personal wishes. jre;m OTe Pays to Play” — Seseeticies ie eaeu alee os ae: Bear a eer en hy Eaee ei etne itera eS asa rae es ae cvs ae ‘ H a ea ibaa ia do Don *t wifes Varelty Basketball Coaches fiat n ye UP gtaaseey cagee idk WE EE pal I tals fee TG : a i Alief i : Hi Pt i thes jaye ah ; jan : titi j duly 27, 19566 to there and Fratermally yours, if fi May rH anit ins January 11, 19586 lr, Ralph Erickson, = Deay Pops Mighty happy to have the Christmas greeting fron Ralph and Barbara. Cute pair of little pups, I would says It was a for me to do enything I could for the old maestro, You are a great guyy Pop, and I certainly enjoyed being with you back at Springfield. I have just finished a new book on “Better Pasketball", and it is a whopper - six by and 490 pages, and brother, did Mrs. Allen and I over this infernal thing. But it is tops, Pops if I do gay it. It is something for some of these | | basketball coaches to shoot at for quite sane tines Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edusation, POASAH Varsity Basketball Coaches wee : daly 27, 1938e Cyiutty Gelleon, Fartfort, Comite ~ | Doar Mire and lire. Briokscms leit, hk tin Gs tht om daw tale Congratulations to beth of you on the arrival of Betty fmm on . y 15, 1988- Se ee ee ee a % spt eae of the arrival of the ‘hen 6 cae Ge We enue throuch wt thanother Big . My best wishes to you and your good familys | Mreatar of, Piysioa},Riwoaton ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL LE LEE ner cn ener z PAUL ENDACOTT ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT Ju ly 28 ’ 1938 e Dr. Fe Ge Allen, Athletic Director, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doc: I was quite surprised to receive your letter of congratulations as it was one of several bits of evidence that news travels pretty fast these days. Both Mrs. Endacott and the new son are doing well and they are coming home from the hospital this evening. I am rather planning on getting up to Lawrence a little more frequently from here on and undoubtedly I will get to see you, possibly late this Summer or this Fall sometime, for a short visit. Please give my regards to Mrs. Ajlen and the family. qneerely yours, PE.RB ti —— July 294 1938. education, you know, cant have too large an equatorial _ diameter. Don't you subscribe to this architectural dimension? I trust thet you end lre. Elbel and the children are wells SAN Nalin geet ‘ean bntiiey eilbapiibniiiag, X om Director of Physical Education, HT i: of and the fact ths aa il il situations : hin font on the varsity teams rather hinders Manes bub £8 30 my slant on the for a Chandler why it would not be a good thing teaching position 4, this is when you coupete with other fellows who have Giles, you have been possibility re Giles Elmore, Kansase your — Dear Giless ity eer te the sane ag 5 cocaine seul hard luck in rag peta that you have not played July 30, 1938. course, 8 ciences, that that you against you along, bs ule oH He ty dl da th if are i sn fay ill hi ed HR Ha al hates | mi a a he i : | i i es a , ns iy Aa] i : f 4 i ‘ vit Pe a i lft it # vl A oe mead hy Be wheat Mackscille, Kansas duly 28, i958 Dear Dr. Allens: Due to the time growing near September I am getting move worried every day as to a coaching position. Maurice wrote me about his job and I think I was as thrilled over it as I would be over a job for myself, He was sure glad to get such a good job his first vyeare : I was wondering if you could give me any suggestions as to obtaining a job this late in the season? I have been working on the job at Lewis, Kansas but I guess they want a manual training and coaching comb- ination so I guess that will leave me out agains I was going into the business with my ded but due to the wheet failure I think it best for me to stay out of it for awhile, therefore, I am sure anxious to get a coaching position. During the boxing ,ttovrnement at Greet Bend I sew your boy and his wife. We hed a long telk as the fights could have been much better. al Dr. Allen if you know of any vacancies or hear of any I would be hear from yous TI spent three, weeks in harvest and was’ unable to do very mu looking for a job, but now. I am a leisure man and co personal application any time. : ry ch uld make a Sincerely yours, Specialists’ Educational Bureau, Ste Louis, Moe July 25, 1938. duly 25, 1958s on the but I de / Varsity Basketball Coaches ree of Physical Edueation, This is merely a word of congratulation end greeting to you ani the good whites nS wat Bt 2~ APSF ae ae Berio d? PEE on = a ela Ses Fie Fea wo typ Sef. os. December 5, 1937e Auswering your letter of November 24th,’ beg to state that this year wo are offering for ee Renee Stee & Semmens seers 2 vare Education. We have not yet worked ovt a specific eavicdinn for he Sania OF elarerane at ereational directorse However, we do offer 2 course called Principles of Commmity Reorestion, which is | elective for students majoring in Physical Educae tione This course is plenned for students imter~ ested in recreational leadership, in playgrounds, commity and recreational organizations and activities of clubs, end in the organization, | . Mamagement and equipment of conducting social activities with adult sroupe in commmity recreation centerse © in senile & baemnereied on itn valle. isabbaah caeue Doneiniey Goer aur Uakveciir wudnt KFKU, which outlines same of the purposes and aims of our now devartuentt. ns in reading its | , ) Very sincerely yours, The State College of Washington PULLMAN, WASHINGTON s zs DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETICS In Replying to This Letter Please Address © Department of Nove mber 24 > 1957 Physical Education and Athletics State College of Washington Pullman, Washington Director Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: We are interested to know what a number of representative colleges and universities throughout the United States are offering as a curriculum for training playground and recreational leaders. The State College of Washington is considering to offer training in this field and we will appreciate receiving your answers to the following questions: 1. Do you offer a specific curriculum for training playground and recreational directors? &e Do you offer a major in playground and recreational leadership in conjunction with teacher training preparation? Do you offer a minor in playground and recreational leadership in conjunction with teacher training preparation? Will you please send an outline of the curriculum if you are offering courses on any of the above organizations? We will appreciate receiving any other information having reference to your curriculum in playground and recreational leadership. Thank you for your consideration of this request. LP Eada John F, Eubank Member, Curriculum Committee Rink November 10, 1957. PCAsan _, Director of Physios] Education. ae 3 oe [ Yak 2 Oe a PhS AA es { f Malet, af ie? (ees ; November 8, 1937 Dre F. C. Allen Director of Physical Education Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I wish that you would reserve for F. W. Alexander two tickets for the KU - Aggie game this Saturday as near the 50-yard line as possible and in about the 20th to 30th row. I also wish that you would set aside my "K" ticket for me and I will call for all three tickets when I arrive in Lawrence Saturday. Is it possible, using this ticket, for me to sit in the students' section? If so, I would appreciate it if you would arrange the same for me. With all best regards to you and to your family, I re- main Sincerely, November 15, 1937. Mrs Fred Ellsworth, University of Kansase Dear Fred: Thank you for your good letter of November 10th. | ‘Tt was not necessary at all to mention anything about — our department. .I was very happy to have Dean Schwegler make the ammouncement as he did, as we have other means of present~ ee ee eet Se oe ee — ee ee Cee 7 Very cordially yours, FCA:AH | ss Director of Physical Education. — President CHESTER WOODWARD, p’96 Topeka Directors HELEN RHODA HOOPES,’13, g'l4 Lawrence ROLAND BOYNTON,’14, 1716 Topeka CLEM LAMBORN,’07 Park Lane Hotel, K.C., Mo. GEORGE MARCH,’08, e’09 Lawrence MARIA SLADE MAY,’16 Atchison Vice-President ROBERT T. PRICE, |'27 Osage City General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH,’22 Lawrence Directors T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg.,K.C., Mo. MYRA LITTLE REITZ,’32 1404 E. 77th, K.C., Mo. JUSTICE WALTER G.THIELE, I’10: Topeka The University of Kansas Alumni Association HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - ADMINISTRATION BUILDING BRUCE HURD, I’14 Topeka JOHN E. BOYER,’28, |’30 Lawrence - Kansas W.K.H. Bldg., Wichita November 10, 1937 Dre Fe Ce. Allen Physical Education Dept. University of Kansas Dear Phog: Please let me add my humble and insignificant word of thanks and praise for your perfectly grand job as teast master at the dinner last Friday evening. When we chose you for the job I had in mind that somewhere along the line we would have attention focused on your department as a unit in the School of Education. When Dr. Schwegler asked for a time to make the announce- ment about new things in the School of Education I thought he would include that. I was therefore surprised and disappointed that nowhere along the line was the point specifically brought out. Ne doubt your presence would naturally call attention to the fact, but I am sorry that the department of physical education was net specifically mentioned and explained. I will see to that definitely next time. Here's a K. Ue noteboo& for keeping track of your datese Very truly 1 yl ecretary FE/1m Ence Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 Installments of $7.50. : eee November 20, 1937. } _ Bre Be Js Ellis, 1305 North 8th Street, : Rete My Rite , | = Ls i I au sabia making a progress report on the possibility of graduate work toward a Master's degree in Physical Education at the University of Kansase Dean Stouffer, the dean of the Graduate School, has been out of his office most of the time since you were heres He was in the east attending meetings in which he acted for Chancellor Lindley. He has just returned and Iam hoping to see him this week-end with a view toward talking ii sagt Shy eS tal tcl sata You will hear from me from time to tinge 4 Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH | _° Direetor of Physical Education. | October 15, 19357. lip, Bob Elliott, R, 5S, Elliott Arms Co,, 1422824 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, wo. Dear Bob: When Talbot was here today I — him an order for two of the Lastbilt volley When I looked at the request. from the Physical Education Department it was for two soccer balis, Do you have the soccer balls | on the same scheme as the Lastbilt volley balis? That is really what I wanted. Will you please tell me the price on these, and cancel the order for volley balls? We wish to order also ona stem type bladder for soccer balls, 7 “ 3 : Sineerely yours, Fearn Director of Physical Education, October i6, x 937. Ur, Jack Elliott, R. S, Slliott Arms Co., 1422-24 Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo, Dear Jack: ~ I have just looked at the fall ani winter 1937-38 eatalog of Lowe & Campbell, and they list the Lasbtilt Official Ameriean made soccer ball eee The Lastbilt volley ball is the same price. _ £ believe you must be in error when you say that the soccer ball is $2.00 more, Will you check up with your peope, as we are quite anxious to do business with you, but of course the State of Konsas will not permit me to spend $2,00 more for an article that is listed by other firms at the sane price. . I vpeferred only to the Lows & Camp- bell catalog because your catalog does not list these items, as Taft explained to me yesterday. The et balls have not arrived, but as soon as they do I will return thom, I will be happy to know regarding the differential in price. Very sincerely yours, FCA:AH Director of Physical Education, HARowp D. Evans 417 FINANCE BUILDING INSURANCE TELEPHONE VICTOR 4941 KANSAS City, Mo. August 7, 1937 Mr. Forest C. Allen Haemwold Cottage Culver, Ind anae Dear Fog, Hear is a letter which ybu need not put in your official files. You have heard of Bill McKinley of Southwest H.S-. and whom we are rushing. Bill they tell me is a basket wall players There seems to be some question about Bills finances and so we would like to get him a job of some kind with the athletic department. If I can give him me encouragement in this respect think it will secure a good boy for Phi Psi'ec It will also pull Bill Hogben whom you have also probably heard of. These boys are very close friends and will want to do the same thing. Please let me know what can be done in this line’ I will be very careful not to quote you or make any promises. I simply want to be able to tell these poys what I think I can do for them with a réasonable degree of certainty. I just taled to Lawrence to get your address and was advised that you would soon be going to Spirit Ike. If you do this you will probably go through Mason City Iowa where Charlie Strickland is and also my boy’. Be sure to look them up. Charlie is Pres’. of the Peoples Gas & Electric Coe there as well as several other concerns and is quite the big shot. Please let me hear from you. Very truly yours,