‘February 25, 1988. Mire Domald wing, sama os Tien Vertes ime, 104 Fredonia Avenue, Peoria, Illinoise Dear lMre Swings ‘Thank you very much for your vory Idind letter of the 20th instant. ——aeo you thet I appreciate it very muche Ney I wish for you amd your Mine basketball team con ‘tamued success. : With deep appreciation, I am Simeerely yours, Direstor of Physica Education, PCAs AH : Varsity Basketball Conch she mic JOE FISHER Manager BASKET BALL TEAM Sportsmanship - Ability J ! E FI 3 H E R 104 Fredonia Avenue BASKET BALL TEAM "Peoria, Illinois Sportsmanship - Ability JOE FISHER BASKET BALL CLUB AN ORGANIZATION OF oporismen - Athletes - Gentlemen PEKIN COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Pekin, Illinois April 29, 1937. Dear Sir: Just a line to congratulate you and your boys upon the fine showing made during the season just closed on the basketball floor. I had the pleasure of working in one of your games and - seeing your team in action several times during the past season and want to congratulate your team upon the ability to play and splendid sportsmanship shown. Your team conducted itself on par with the best high school and college fives I came in contact with during the past season. In closing let me congratulate your sponsor for the fine piece of work he is doing in making such a thing as this possible for a fine group of young men. Very truly, A. G. HAUSSLER, Director of Athletics Pekin Community High School Pekin, Illinois. FISHER’S TAKE BASKET CROWN KEWANEE HIGH SCHOOL Kewanee, Illinois May 3, 1937. Mr. Donald Ewing, Manager, Joe Fisher Basketball Team, 104 Fredonia Avenue, Peoria, Illinois. Dear Mr. Ewing: I am very glad to write a letter of recommen- dation for the Joe Fisher Basketball Team based on what I saw of them in competition here in Kewanee in the Y.M.C.A. Tournament. I thought that your team was the smoothest independent basketball team that I saw in action all season long. The ability of the individual team members was self-evident and the way in which they worked together for a team unity, was something not often seen in independent competition. Speaking from both an official's standpoint and also from the comment heard in the spec- tator’s group, I want to compliment them on their conduct on the floor and the sportsman- ship which they exhibited. The team manage- ment seemed to be very efficient and their presence in the Y. tournament was greatly appreciated by all concerned. Sincerely, ROSS ANDERSON, Director of Athletics. st gt Wi MISSISIP yy CENTRAL OILERS ARE BEATEN IN 30-29 THRILLER FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Peoria, Illinois May 1, 1937. Donald Ewing, 1U4 Fredonia Avenue, Peoria, Illinois. Dear Donald: During the last basketball season I followed with lively interest all our local teams. In my college days and while attending the Univer- sity of Chicago, I played on University teams and so naturally the love of the game has stayed wiih me in these later years. Among the teams I have seen play in Peoria this past season is the Joe Fisher team. Some of the men on this team I know personally, which made my interest the keener in esti- mating them. : 1 will say that I was impressed with the high type of young men playing on the team. And there. was abundant evidence of skill at the game which so delights the trained eye of ene who knows the game himself. And one other thing of prime importance in athletic competition, and very generously in evidence in all your games I have seen, is the quality of good sporismanship. Spectators de- light to see a team play hard and fast and at the same time show that they are clean in hard competition. Sincerely, GEORGE W. CHESSMAN, Minister of the First Baptist Church of Peoria, Illinois. PEORIANS GRAB KEWANEE TITLE HEADLINES TAKEN FROM— Daily Hawkeye-Gazette, Burlington, Iowa Peoria Journal-Transcript. Star-Courier, Kewanee, Ill. Peoria Siar. E My é Yo MM. CoA. Burlington, Iowa May 17, 1937. Mr. Donald Ewing, 104 Fredonia Avenue, Peoria, Illinois. Dear Mr. Ewing: I would like to take this opportunity to com- mend the “Joe Fishers’’ on their display of spcerismanship, ability, conduct and manage- ment. They were no doubt the best dressed team in the tournament; and from the sports- manship angle, were rated one of the best. Their team work appeared to be the best organized of any team in the tournament and their conduct on the floor and off floor was the best that is possible to show. We hope that your team will come back to Burlington and display. this same attitude; because most of the independent teams are short of this very thing. Sincerely yours, G. D. McBRIDE, Physical Director. Joe Fisher’s Quintet Nips Coalers for “Y"’ Championship _ YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Peoria, Illinois May 12, 1937. Mr. Don Ewing, 104 Ferdonia Avenue, Peoria, Illinois. Dear Don: When I saw you the other day I was remind- ed that I wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed watching your basketball team during the past season. It seems to me you have gathered around yourself a group of fellows who are not only good athletes, but gentlemen as well. They played a hard, fast, clean game of ball. I think they are a great outfit. There is no particular reason in my writing this letter except I know you worked hard to get the team together and to keep them going, and I thought you would like to know that some folks recognize that you did a fine job. Sincerely yours, W. G. SCHMIEDERER, Director of Program for Beys. at, | iu el + a a iy fi ii ie ti ay a ti i Ie i iE, p we ie i! it fr { ae A an! fei i ae ‘al Ha HN ile 1 a aH i Lf Wak 2 Hi it i ia 8 Dre Ee Ze Eblinc, "i ges © Trusting you will aecept ee Lindsberg, Kansase “3 EUGENE E. EBLING DENTIST ROOMS OVER BERGGREN TAILOR SHOP TELEPHONE 102 LINDSBORG, KANSAS Feb.25,1938. Dr Allen: Lawrence,kKs. Dear Sir: Well Dr.Allen you will know that hearing from me, 1 want something and of course I do. Mrs.Ebling and I are coming to Lawrence,Mar.3rd.to the K.U.and Mo.game and I am wondering if you will reserve (4) four tickets for us that night. Donald has been asking us to cone up for the game and I have been telling him that it would be hard for Mother to make the trip ali the same day,I told him I didn't feel that I could spare tke time to stay over,so I think he feels that I am not Goning and I dont want you to let him know that we are coming,so if this is not asking to much Dr.Allen I will appricate you doing this for me.You can send me the tickets or leave them at the box office,either way will be OX. . I sure am pulling for you to win the Nebr.game tomorrow nigh * Thanking 7 for all favors, remain as ever, er : SSSreeS Sass it ail : Hi 8 at aa a 43 di hes a i Sp ‘He rhea; i oes Bi ay a ip i i} i dis i ue PE Hs mou peoal of Ail eo Milage” With every good wish, tan ap Director of Physical Education, Vareity Basketball Coache Sincerely yours, EUGENE E. EBLING DENTIST ROOMS OVER BERGGREN TAILOR SHOP TELEPHONE 102 LINDSBORG, KANSAS Mar.1st.1938. Dr.Forrest C.Allen, : Lawrence,Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Received your kind letter this morning and advising us about the tickets and extending us your hospitality for the night, but Dr Allen we are expecting Eugenia and her husband from fureka Kansas and we have planned to make our stop at the Hotel,as we could all be togather,#ugenia,Pete, Donald,Mrs.Ebling,and myself, and as Donald want have to go out for practise the next day we can have a kinda family re-union. Anyway we appricate your invitation and we hope some time in the future,that we may have a chance to visit you and Mrs.Allen. My only hopes is that you win this ball game,as thelast three games that we have saw Raymond play,his team has lost and the first game that K.U. played I was their and you lost,so 1 hope that we will not be the jinks to your ball club. Again thanking you Dr.Allen for your hospitality for the night,and I know you mean it and I would like to have time to talk to and have a visit,but you are to busy a man at the time of the game i dont like to butt in. I am bring one of Donald best friend's with us and also another boy,but they will stay with Donald that night. Thanking you again Dr.Allen, . Sincerely yours, : Coste, duly 8) 19385 Your good letter just arrived this ear Done shy ane iy i, is f i cit mi Hage ‘? 3} les! B's ve aan a ay t iat lal a i fy ' He ie ctl Bi i i di ; Ie hops A Hi I Th i Hi, HIE ba jail i, ait ti ile EL ill ti i i it a Hai ne ny: é iy itien | | Me i ih 4 Hu gr ish sy hi x aq3e iit “Hf ithe, 2lle it tly aA Lt iy ii it i in | : He eae A A ee nit 1 at “34 NG li He i, si 1 i 4 A nh if Hi Le | ‘ i fal et a3 ea | i ip ih na ih i i etn ite goals Est: ste flne lt aq cH ali ii Att i = Fol 80 ee row . ane ee SMM ar Lyk Soda ee hw ee a ee ee on a ee oe. OS Sep ee ppm ~ Re rot en poy Ot At & i ae doch te ocheck, Sete, me Sy begeniny BAM Br Comin heK jamnd mu dO com ate Alen hal mg. Sp aee, ee ee aed. zk eon a eS aronnd, ee a fae ke Hehe Low 30 Lo Ay mors or ann sperm tor brent fa ony? Oz = ega & -roh < (reget a “oe te Fase then Sa ar agi - SD otic BE belive Sol ver Lan t whb ge (exh, CURR. < Ln Tthie qk “och has ure Mla Ane ame . AAA rhe guleye a hod eet Rea St uma tr mt eta Am gli Aa froth oo D Cele Part Patfed Barro, /ke oid Gar a ae de eg ot oe Lehn: “ tl og eigenen Aefpttoerbnn : eae ee ga Sony Jammry 26, 19580 Mre H. De Edgren, Supervisor of mchasset aati Athleties, George Williams College, Chicago, Illinciss Dear Mre Edgrens Thank you for your very gracious letter of the 24th instant concerning “Setter Basketball". To imow that you are pleased with it makes me happy indeede I an also pleased to now that you #hink well enough of it to ' use it as a text in your professional course in basketball ES cap sagdkinnd etesetaan ouprhaciiile I have just received a letter fran Oswald Tower in which he says he thinks the Rules Committee meeting will be held in Chicago the first week in Aprile Of course, we will be notified when it is definitely settled. It will be a pleasure to see you end to continue our acquaintance. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs ‘ George Williams Callege Chiragn HAROLD C. COFFMAN. 5315S DREXEL AVENUE PRESIDENT TEL. MIDWAY 6910 HEDLEY S. DIMOCK ——- DEAN ROBERT R. VERNON BUSINESS MANAGER SUMMER HOME COLLEGE CAMP, WISCONSIN January 24, 1938 (ON LAKE GENEVA) Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I want first to compliment you on your recent book Better Basketball and to thank you for a copy of it which I re- ceived in the mail sometime ago. Thanks very much. I think you have developed a book here which for my purposes is the last word. It combines both the individual and team develop- ment as well as fundamentals and material for teaching techniques. I am planning to use it a text in my professional course in basketball in our physical education curriculum. I hope to renew our acquaintance again during the Rules Committee meeting in New York this spring. Yours very truly, BH. De. Ed nh Supervisor of Intercollegiate Athletics HDE: EPB ql isi dal an he; eae 8 ils eas sits she tf i ea i He i - i ih i a Hi nn sig Hi ii ud yy di he : i i F ii Mia ni i Ly fi With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Edusatdion, “Varsity Basketball Coaches lich, tly Mie nag 18 hg 99 hear Pw, Rill J, dovetibde Ge se bent le facet # 5 qececleoned an anutr trowdekh achndl Und vad A Hat tthe tee with jrifferv Wut duck Kae Ang hank Hee pret Aken 2 Oe Wal duit 0 atte a pul gear Caulh nt Laue heer Ac Lonip - babheh wither a great deal of acwaline ag gh appicnns iy flow af a man. 3 tnew Heoadk 42 palepl bale lo mention in tee Clie Lo ye. nd a ey a ght wrt un Harracds achasl happy wacte at! NU. mel year. 9 hase koa ee cs a oot jecslig fd atl ape el amaiadiaaias ‘ i ; t saldptsds igosd yd dd, ji tssidk Bt ig? sit il, He ea in fi ne. ty step ake sao ks i i ea a i ik lis ui,s Hits al : A iit te ai nig tesa He tit fi ui . l UT lit at ami | ti dog i dy it th Hf fs Hf _ S , £83 i 172 : pip i i fy "* “ay ee i HB | ‘gue! a fog {Be i itil nail i at sui Mil, Sad ew taht x Welch WS Senate po bi illlien an A in soncmntings That is swell, Towards Wo dre proud of yous Yoo, 2 as rome ve very well regarding our proposed diss cusaieite + was on possibili your coaching, imowe eS ee ee or oe next monthe T just thoucht it well to begin to discuss Pe See ee ee en eee to after your graduation. — | 7 ee "Zam glad that you are doing thove pishaupe. You will fina - ‘that will not only strengthen ; shoulders and , but it will Director of Physical Bduestion, PeSe ¥ thine Shak don Dae: cheek 0+ Us Denkitents Seton, MrBe a a a oe oe en F.C che ies She yc — ae tet SW ee hy nc fed Lk aehgel ig Rhee ol Setiae as Cgee PO yen Wea Lsobeng pert tad yencving toe, Hh it a ppt tihe to api 3 tk Vlog | te the rnernuicy mate Me FH 7 ee | Neat Yom. hes A AtF# . «ble peed _ se Cinrdut Mf > ee age hs ae 2 hese epatladine ailde lect Gh tan doco tan SES (Bod ae 7 ta » | Fe, od Mache 2 gre Ge eh yee ppanreden dy a eer awit sel the Apu ae whale h Haid 0d. Ly baait ts ES a et eee Oh Loe LA areal Hand ms be kee Tao ny Cn are 4 1 Aquat. st eal | « ge March 7, 1938. Sincerely yoursys to loara that you bao Dad. con & We aro looting forward to having jou with ws nozt With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Seated EO Fo cas - ~ 4 March 9, 1938. Sincerely yours, - Allen and our family send leve to you and yours. Assistant to Executive Vice President, Bartlesville, Dear Pauls Mre Paul Endacott, FPCAsAH PAUL ENDACOTT ASSISTANT TO THE EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT March 5 9 1938 = E~76=38 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doe: I know you must be feeling oretty good over capturing another undisputed Big Six title. May I add my congratulations to the many which you and the boys must be receiving. I had thought that I would be able to see the game at Norman but at the last minute had to go to Chicago. While I was there I managed to see Dutch Lonborg's Northwestern team beat Indiana. I tuned in Thursday night and managed to get through the interference of other radio stations enough to get a pretty clear pic- ture of what was going on during the Missouri Zame e Very trul yours,