Copy of Confidential Communication to the Appointment Secretary Stanford University, Calif. oo March 8, 1938 I have known Mr. Edward B. DeGroot during the past three years and during this period he has been in several of my classes in Hygiene, and in courses in professional physic~ al education. The latter classes have been small and therefore they have given me a good opportunity to become somewhat well acquainted with his qualities as a man and ag a student. I have found him to be a good student, and a man of good quality and serious purpose. He is a good all-round athlete, a fair gymnast, and in doing his work as a practice jeader has shown excellent promise. I believe he will prove to be a valuable man in the field of physical education for boys. He has been on the varisty track team here at Stanford and was an outstanding pole vaulter. In his theory classes he has indicated more than average insight in the real problems of physical education. I would not hesitate to employ him as a leader of boys in this field and have confidence that he will give excellent serwice. Royce R. Long, Professor Physical Education and Hygiene Stanford University 6-20-88 This confidential information should not be shown to the candidate