- Copy of Confidential Communication : to the Appointment Secretary March 29 ยป 1983 Stanford University, Calif. Mr. Burton DeGroot, Jr., was a pupil of mine for to years - 1925-26 and 1926-27, when + vas Superintendent of Senhcols at Monrovia. I became rather intimately acquainted with Burton beceuse he was a leader among high school students, He was an exceptionally fine athlete, and gave a fine accounting of himself in basketball, football, and track work. During the year 1925-26 he was President of our Student Body Association. We found him a good leader - clear-headed, sensible, courteous, and his ci tizenship record was very high. : s I understand that Mr. DeGroot will complete his work at Stanford University this summer and that he has majored in history anc minored in physical education. He tells me that he is interested in educational work. With peo knowledge concerning him I should be very glad to have him in a system for which I was responsible. I am sure ag a teacher, he will be able, conscientious, and exceptionally helpful in all school relations. County Superintendent of Schools of Los Angeles County 4~-4-35 BAB This confidential information should not be shown to the candidate