June 23, 1939. ity: ohn We Bunny - Dean of Men, Stanford University, Californias. It wes good of you to wi and it will be an added kindness if you will see Burt De- Groot when he comes your wy aud tell him the things that you lmow so welle * ful strides, end e frtend*s kind words to an incoming ° ee ee wee eubigitetia ahah tu wosk tak we j Udi he wit) do here and we weloeny lin with open emis slnyed in obtaining ike yong star for ty 1 Oa Director of Physical Education, — STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA June 12, 1939 be. F. CC. blies Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I am glad to know that Burt DeGroot has received the appointment on your staff for next year. I am sure you will find him a very helpful addition. He is young, vig- orous, and very sound in his thinking. I rather imagine that the neutral report which came from the Islands is due to the fact that they had expected him to remain there for three years; he had just finished his second term. Burt will undoubtedly stop here on his way to Kansas and I shall plan to pass on to him any helpful information concerning his new job. It is possible that I can make gome comments concerning the organization there which you in your position might not feel justified in making. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, JWB: Mek SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE San Jose, California June 19, 1939 MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We are so pleased’ to know that you recommended Burt for your Yacancy, and that he has decided to accept. I envy him the opportunity he shall have to work under your fine leadership, and that is not applesauce I have just had a most enthusiastic letter from him, and Mrs. DeGroot had one from his wife. They can hardly wait to start work in their new locatione I sincerely hope that he will live up to our expectations. Certainly, for conscientiousness and sincerity of purpose, I am sure you will find few short-comings.e In fact, it is my opinion that you will probably have to put on a little pressure to make him take time off from work to take a little of this much talked of recreation and leisurel Thanking you so much for sending me a copy of the inspiring letter you recently addressed to Burt, and with very best wishes for a pleasant summer, 1 am DUDLEY S. DeGROOT Director of Physical Education DsD/ald August 3, 1939¢ ® the our to ‘ We at i i ind + eee TEETER Kamehameha School for Boys Honolulu, Hawaii May 10, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: | In a recent letter, John Bunn informed me that there would be a position open in your department at the University of Kansas. John said he did not know the exact _hature of the position or what the duties would be, but he intimated that work in general health, physical educa- tion and athletics would probably be included. I am very much interested in a position of that nature and I would like to be considered as a candidate for such a position on your staff. I believe that my training, experience and background qualify me for university teaching. At present I am completing my second year as Director of Athletics at the Kamehameha School for Boys in Honolulu, where my duties include the direction of physical education classes, the intramural progran, coaching, and teaching units of hygiene and preparation for marriage and home life in the senior orientation coursese Previous to coming here, I had four years of experience in coaching and teaching physical education and academic subjects in three California high schools. During my three years at Vacaville High School, I was head of the physical education department and coached all sports with more than an average degree of success. Besides my coaching, physical education classes and intramural work in high schools, I have had several summers experience as life guard, pool director and swimming instructor with the Los Angeles City Recreation Department. I also held the position of assistant camp director for several summers in the Los Angeies Council Boy Scout Camp where my duties included the teaching of swimming, equitation and sports. : My training in physical education was obtained at Stanford University where I worked under Dr. Thomas E. Storey, John Bunn, Dr. N. P. Neilson, Dr. Walter Brown, Dink Templeton, and Tiny Thornhill. ly credentials indicate that I did not complete quite all thg require- ments for a major in physical education before I obtained my degree of Master of Arts. This is explained by the fact that I decided to enter the teaching field quite late in my college career; and the large number of education courses required to obtain a teaching credential in California prevented my enrolling in some of the basic courses which I needed for a physical education major during my last year at Stanrord. My work in graduate summer schools and my six years teaching experience, however, have veen chiefly in physical education; and my thesis was written on 2 physical education subject. I expect to continue work in physical education in summer schools, although last summer it was interrupted by a trip around the world, which I felt was equally valuable. Besides my Masters Degree, I obtained an administrative credential as well as the regular teaching credential while at Stanford. During my years in high school and college, I competed in football, basketball, track and swimming. i was on the All American Honor Roll in track for the Year 195i. =: Without any intention of being egotistical, i might add that I come from a "physical education family". My father, E. B. DeGroot, was the founder of the tamous South Park Playgrounds in Uhicago, was later Superintendent of Physical Education in the San Francisco Puplic Schools and is at present Scout Executive ot the Los Angeles Metropolitan area Gouncil. My prother, Dudley, is heaa of the physical education department and heaa tootvnall coach at San Jose State College, Galifornia. We are all proud of my younger brother, Hugo, who, as a sophomore, is one of the nation's leading javelin throwers at U.S.C. this season. If you do consider me as an applicant for the position in your department, I shall be glad to supply any further knformation you might want and I shall also be glad to forward to you the addresses of any persons under whom I have worked and whom you might like to contact for further reference or information. Yours very truly, 6. de bot | Be Be DeGroot, Jre Director of Athletics. | ~ SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE San Jose, California May 15, 1939 . 3 MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION Dr. Forrest Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dre Allens Upon my return from the Fresno Relays this morning, I found your good letter of the 12th, together with a Clipper letter from Burte Since I am authorized to act as intermediary by both parties, may I say that if you are ready to offer Burt the vacancy in your department, he is ready to accept. Naturally, he was somewhat concerned about the rather heavy decrease in salary which the change will involve, but is reconciled because of the promising future which he visualizes in being associated with you at Kansas. His present employer has been extremely kind to him, and Burt feels that he must advise him of his contemplated change at the earliest possible moment. Since school closes in Honolulu on June l, it is highly essential that Burt advise Dr. Barnes just as soon as a decision can be reached at Kansas, and a definite offer extended to hime There are other involvements in the Honolulu situation which would make it highly desirable, from Burt's standpoint, to reach an early agreement. ~ In answer to a few of your questions, may I say, first, that although Burt has had little occasion to do research work, I would have no hesitancy in saying that he is well qualified. He has a very analytical mind, and, from the few jobs of this sort which he has tackled, I feel sure that he could handle normal research satisfactorily. He has been particularly interested in teacher training work in physical education and I am sure would accept any assignments you might hand him along this line, with unusual interest. Second, Burt has talked with me a number of times about proceeding with the doctorate. He is anxious to do so but has felt that both for financial and geographical reasons, it was out of the question, at the present time. I am sure that he would be very much interested in making an early start on his final degree, if located at Kansas. In addition to his work in track, Burt was a good football and basketball player and a better than average swimmer. His work in Dr.’ Forrest Allen 2 May 15, 1939 coaching has been most successful in football, basketball and tracke I trust the above answers your questions and conveys to you the desirability, from Burt's standpoint, of having a positive offer from you at the earliest possible moment. I deeply appreciate your willingness to accept John Bumn's recommendation, as well as my own, without having seen Burt, and I am sure that if you decide to offer him the appointe ment, you will not be disappointede If you will wire me the minute you have a definite offer, 1 will in turn relay the message to him, or if you would prefer to contact him directly, you may do so at the address listed below. With best personal wishes and sincere thanks for your kindness to Burt, I am Director of Physical Education DSD/ald | Mr. E. Be DeGroot dre Kamehameha Schoo] Mamesikeses Honolulu, Hawaii nk WO Hal’ FYE Can asp a tLe Whee KK. Mar August 8, 1959¢ fessor Fe O. Russell, University of Kansase Dear Professor Russell: i : Director of Physical Education and Necreation, PCAs Au Versity Basketball Conche ie Educati. of Physical » Direotor DeGroot, Se Dudley Jose, College, San State . Jose San at fran letter of Excerpt i i (Bamrd By DeGroot, Jee) "at present I am completing my eesend yon an avester of Mideties st thn Meatauita, Gebaek for Baye in Honsbuba, vbuve wy dulfies inalule the direction of physical education classes, the intramural progren, coaching, and teaching units of hygiene and preparation for marriage and home life in the senior orientation courses. Previous te coming here, I had four years of experience in coaching and teaching physical education end academic subjects in three California high schools. Dur~ ing my three years at Vacaville High School, I was head of the physical education department and coached all sports with more than an average degree of success. Besides my coaching, physical education classes and intra- mural work in high schools, I have had several summers experience as life guard, pool director and swimming instruetor with the Los Angeles City Re- oreation Department. I aleo held the position of essistant camp director for several summers in the Los Angeles Cowmeil Boy Seout Camp where my duties included the teaching of swimming, equitation and sports. as lly training in physical education wae obtained at Stanford University eS ee eee SS ee John Bumn, Dre N+ P. Neilson, Dre Walter Brow, Dink Templeton, and Tiny Thornhill. iy credentials 4m physical education before I obtained my degree of Master of Artse This is explained by the fact that I decided to enter the teaching field quite late in my college career; and the large number of education courses re~ quired to obtain a tonching credential sri Califeriia prevented my enrolling in same of the basic courses which I needed for a physical education major during my lest year at Stenford. My work in graduate swmer schools and my ‘six years teaching experience, however, have been chiefly in physical education; and my thesis was written on 4 physical education subject. I expect to continue work by a trip around the world, which I felt was equally valuable. — Ty Master*ts degree, I obtained en administrative credential as well as ae teaching credential while at Stenfords During my years in high school and coll eZe, I eompeted in foothell, basketball, track and swimming. I was on the All American _ Honor Rell in track for the year 1951. «Without any intention of being egotistical, I might add that I come fron a “physical education femily". Wy futhor, Be Be DeGroot, we the founder of the femous South Park Playgrounds in Superint of Physical Eaumntden in the San Yoimatece Peilte Sihecle and 40 ét ywresest Seeut Eavoutive of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Coumcile My brother, Dudley, is head of _ the physical education department and head football coach at San Jose State College, California, We are all proud of my yomger brother, Hugo, who, as a sephanate, Sa Gas OF Wo eattan's Lending Suki Cemmave of Tot, Ss consent po SE Re A ae oe meets an hour a day three days come mak ae course : ok dd perik offered wylistus in say | ere ma & senestors ‘the eo 10% | ‘ory of Physionl Baucations Rice A Ie of Physical Educationg Nixon & Cozens « Introduc~ tion to Physical Educatione He will be glad to supply you with “Mig Hist of rendings, ommiantions en! wy other metertll, wish to use sone other text ~ Tink Sexpleton's, of sone others I have been working on the idea of finding a ditchasatiztd tha 250 o2e i have made several inquiries in regard to a tnivorasty Sat for Mrse DeGroot. There is a regulation at the Universi ge gedbeedlggge wc lipoma Se Dapp igo pow ee "ss saad t ae ae le, Pee two members asad Mae tee tak tee ae ok they inow there will be ne tells me that oscasionally eal for some assistance in their’ library, and thet he will be See ee ares aan ee staal There might be & pootthdltty for occasions] work theres Ed Eat gt fet Tee Ae. = (1 3B Rove een Ss Kamehameha School for Boys Honolulu, Hawaii June 19, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my inguiries so completely during your rush period at the close of the school year. Your reply has made me very enthusiastic concerning the opportunities at the University of Kansas and the new school term cannot begin too goon for me. I like the courses and the work you have indicated will be my assignment itor next year. I believe I can carry out all the assignments except the course in kinesiology; I reaily am not prepared to teach that this year. While we are on the topic of courses for next year, 1 would like to ask a few more questions: How is the school year divided at ‘Kansas, into quarters or semesters? What is the length of the courses you have indicated that I am to teach, that is, history > and principles and track and fieldy one year, semester or quarter? Do you have an estavlished syllavus in history and principles or am I to make up my own coursé?’ Are the courses chiefly lecture, discussion group or comoination? What texts are used? I quite agree with you that my first year at Kansas should ve aevoted entirely to my teuching and my own general orientation. My inquiry as to obtaining credit for advanced work Was made With an eye to the later, rather than immediate, futuree Jl am very happy to know that the opportunity for advanced credit will be available to me at Kansas. Your offer to aid us in finding an apartment in Lawrence is very kind. If you do have the time later in the summer, we would greatly appreciate your help in this matter. Would September the first be an early enough date to begin paying rent in order to secure a fairly good apartment or must one be secured earlier? We do not have any children; therefore our apartment would not have to be very large, but we would like one completely furnished and one in which the heat is also furnished. I have no idea what rental rates are in Lawrence, but in that we are not exactly rolling in wealth this year, economy is a very definite factor for us. Perhaps, at your leisure, you could give us some ideas on rental rates. i am sorry to bother you with more of our personal — problems, but there is one other matter on which you might be able to advise us. My wife, Ruth, is a trained librarian and has had eight years experience in the Pasadena Public Library, Stanford University Library, University of Hawaii Library, and is at present head librarian at Kamehameha Schools. Her library training was obtained at the Los Angeles Library School, and she has an A.Be from Stanford. We had planned that Ruth would work one more year here and _, ‘» then "retire". Qo you know whether or not there are any he epfhertunt opportunities for a trained librarian either at the University in or in the pubiic library at Lawrence? If such an opportunity ;,d0es (or might in the future) exist, Ruth would like to dace apply for it. nek . prea At present our plans are to leave here in August for Vancouver, purchase some woolen clothes there, proceed either by train or automobile to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and then to Lawrence. Thank you again for your courtesy and consideration in answering all our questions in helping us to become located in Lawrence. ; Yours sincerely, _ School year divided into two semesters of 18 weeks each. History and Principles - 3 hrs. credit (class meets an hour a day three days a week, a semester) Track and Field = 2 hrs. credit History and Principles: lectures and readings Texts - Leonard & Cozens: History of Pe E5 Rice: A Brief History of Pe Ee Nixon & Cozens: Introduction to Pe Ee Dre Elbel, who has been teaching the course, will be glad to supply his list of readings and examinations, and any other material available. Track and Field: readings and lectures Text « Tuttle & Bresnahan: Track and Field Athleties Furnished apartments will probably average $45. moe No opportunity for Mrs. DeGroot at University. library on account of regulation regarding employment of husband and wifes - August 12, 1959. 4 ot 1% ting ut fit ult 1 | nih i ft 3 i i aa Ba aaT atae i : He a ae | a ty nil | Bil 33 : “afuat ial {i rudd i phe fiir ays filha! ies, 5 a HL ie feud ile i i et ual bth if an ids ay He ae Mea i ai fal a te fir alley isda i Ba aH aah di sill hi you nh you srvive in tawny "Wot jou panes to me you p ve here? coaching 26th of and ving & make your own decision and be happy about ite BEY z uy ‘33978 staf ottdliy Ht zt peal ae reli | ie a) 2 ci sa ag pit i An 3 § i i i eo Hi nif! atl Gag B. A i ke 7 48 “jt sin HE ig ii i hi Kamehameha School for Boys Honolulu, Hawaii duly 27, 1959 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Alien: Thank you very much for your kind ke tter of some weeks ago and for your generous expenditure of time and effort on our behalf. This last month has slipped by very rapidly and Ruth and I are both anxious and impatient to be on our way to Kansas and the new job. Mrs. Shaad's apartment is certainly reasonably priced and the location would definitely be an advan- tagee We wondered, however, exactly what the situation would be in relation to the kitchen; would we be allow- ed to use it all the time or would we be sharing it with Mrs. Shaad? We intend to eat at home almost entirely wherever we may happen to live. We will have a car, of course, and won't mind living somé distance away from the campus if some worthwhile. apartment should be available. I have read all the books you mentioned in con- nection with the course in History and Principles of Physical Education and I shall review them before arriving there. I have read al11 the books on track and field in print, as far as I know, and I also have copious notes from courses by Templeton, Hamilton, Christie and others. Any text selected for the lat- ter course, therefore, will fit in very well. Thank you again for being so patient with all my letters of inquiry. If you should hear of any more promising apartments we would be glad to know of them, but please do not put yoursef out: on our account. Sincerely yours, bank he drat 1} Bias 3 feel gli He rm ia ith fl 2 iy ite rf ie 3 sift 1 i iy sles gh :! sats 13]; Wk : ie ‘itt ate Ha Ma | dis 3 an i r a i: Hil : | Hi | ‘i ea i i a aie Ha Hin COLEY HALL OWNER AND MANAGER PHONES 4094-4095 TELE SE yYmMourR