education courses required to obtain a teaching credential in California prevented my enrolling in some of the basic courses which I needed for a physical education major during my last year at Stanrord. My work in graduate summer schools and my six years teaching experience, however, have veen chiefly in physical education; and my thesis was written on 2 physical education subject. I expect to continue work in physical education in summer schools, although last summer it was interrupted by a trip around the world, which I felt was equally valuable. Besides my Masters Degree, I obtained an administrative credential as well as the regular teaching credential while at Stanford. During my years in high school and college, I competed in football, basketball, track and swimming. i was on the All American Honor Roll in track for the Year 195i. =: Without any intention of being egotistical, i might add that I come from a "physical education family". My father, E. B. DeGroot, was the founder of the tamous South Park Playgrounds in Uhicago, was later Superintendent of Physical Education in the San Francisco Puplic Schools and is at present Scout Executive ot the Los Angeles Metropolitan area Gouncil. My prother, Dudley, is heaa of the physical education department and heaa tootvnall coach at San Jose State College, Galifornia. We are all proud of my younger brother, Hugo, who, as a sophomore, is one of the nation's leading javelin throwers at U.S.C. this season. If you do consider me as an applicant for the position in your department, I shall be glad to supply any further knformation you might want and I shall also be glad to forward to you the addresses of any persons under whom I have worked and whom you might like to contact for further reference or information. Yours very truly, 6. de bot | Be Be DeGroot, Jre Director of Athletics.