Dr.’ Forrest Allen 2 May 15, 1939 coaching has been most successful in football, basketball and tracke I trust the above answers your questions and conveys to you the desirability, from Burt's standpoint, of having a positive offer from you at the earliest possible moment. I deeply appreciate your willingness to accept John Bumn's recommendation, as well as my own, without having seen Burt, and I am sure that if you decide to offer him the appointe ment, you will not be disappointede If you will wire me the minute you have a definite offer, 1 will in turn relay the message to him, or if you would prefer to contact him directly, you may do so at the address listed below. With best personal wishes and sincere thanks for your kindness to Burt, I am Director of Physical Education DSD/ald | Mr. E. Be DeGroot dre Kamehameha Schoo] Mamesikeses Honolulu, Hawaii