Your very welcome letter of November 12 receivede | Tewns a very chatty and delightful letter to read, I am sorry thet your delight had to be eut short with the debacle of the Kansas team against Kansas State. It . . against Kansas State as she ne acl A agreeably surprising against both Nebrasia end Oklahomae The boys were satiated on compliments and rallies here. Never have I seen a school go for an expected championship in a big way like our student body did here. After having defeated Geiiscen: te & Preik Wanetentl Quillen, anf heviiic teen Gland of - ee ee sidered Kausas States Takia dt eutiun yon woad the actoenk 00.44 et like viewing any post morten - + A Ae Oe SORE OMe } The largest crowd we have had at a: Kansas State game was in attendance, botter than 19,000, and many of these people were some of the come~back kind who had been away three or four yoarse They weited for the kill, and Kansas in the whole game never got past her ow 37 yard line, and they did that but once in the games The Kansas supporters kept hoping and hoping that something would eventually happen. But it seeied as if the line couldn't fimction, the backfield couldn't go much of any place, and the kickers all had an off day. Several kicks were tried, but none of then could get the team out of the holes | | | Well, why should I go further? oe a decided Kansas State hue. Many of the oldtimers will wait even past the Missouri game to come beck when they may be sure of a celebration. Missouri looms formidable on the defense, but she has an impotent offense. However, she does have tackles, guards, ends, and backfield men three or four deepe Kansas is lacking in reservese ee ee