Students who expect to receive the master's degree at the coming commencement should observe the following rules: 1. 2 6. Te ec Application for the degree should be signed at the Registrar's Office and the diploma fee of $7.50 ($5.00 for students who already hold a degree from the University of Kansas) paid at the Business Office as soon as convenient and in any case before June 3. A tentative draft of the complete thesis should be presented to the major department by May 12, and the thesis should be presented to the department for final approval by May 27s As soon as the thesis is accepted by the department, a typewritten copy and a first carbon (black) copy must be prepared for filing in the University Library. It 48 re~- quired that both copies of the thesis should be on a medium weight bond paper 8% by 11 inches, with at least one and one-half inch margin on the left-hand side and at least a one inch margin at top, bottom, and right-hand side. The form for the title page may be obtained at the Graduate Office. The thesis must ordinarily contain a table of contents and a bibliography. References may be made by footnotes at the bottom of the page or by notes and references collected at the end of the thesis. The original and the first carbon copy of the thesis, each bound in cloth, must be deposited in the Graduate Office not later than June 6 The binding can be done satis- factorily by the Journal-World or the Ochse Printing Shop. The general examination over the major field must be held not later than May 29. Arrangements for this examination should be made with the major department. In order to secure the degree, candidates who are in residence during the second semester must be present in academic costume at the commencement exercises. Candidates will be excused from attendance only in case satisfactory reasons are presented in advance. E.B.STOUFFER Dean of the Graduate School