BOARD OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION May 16, 1939. Mr. Forrest C,. Allen, Director of Physical Educ., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr, Allen: I have your letter of May 12th, but I am in no position to help you, since we are not having any retrench- ment or reductions in salaries in St. Louis. We have no one here that compares with Dr. lapp, whom you secured from Kansas City. The best bet that I know of is Joy Kistler at the Uni- versity of Iowa. He is an outstanding man with a doctor's degree, but I do not know whether you can pay his price. Out- side of him, I have no one in mind. \ Yours very truly; \ ERSON, Director jon and Recreation AOA MT Physical Edu