Norman Sanneman We were greeted at the station by Dean Lawson, Mrs» Mallott, and children. Dean Lawson. rode as far as Chicago with us and wes very entertaining with his amusing jokes end pleasant personalitye The streamliner left on time, ard thirteen boys started whet will be the greatest otepationn) and pleasure trip any one of us will take as a teams , The streamliner was plenty fency, and eating lunch on the diner wes a thrill to all of use We hed a fine peernenry potatoes and gravy, cranberries, hot rolls and eof fee. I ean see this trip will be. one thrill efter another. Already we have had our picture: tokens "Dee" Allen and "Junior" and the team rated the Saturday vening Post, so were greeted at the Ks Ce Station by photographers who snapped aevere) pictures. : After we left Ke Ces the bridge games started and the Arnold, Allene-Hogben, Kline feud carried One Good old Dean Nesmith nade. ‘sure thet annua wes comfortable at all times, and did all he ical’ to oie the trip more enjoyable as well as successfuls : I've noticed one very good point so far on the tripe=the boys haven't forgotten we have to play basketball. They heave their hearts set on winning, too} if it's at all possible we'll sure clean up on all of theme . Several of the boys ‘made acquaintance with a couple of F. Be Ie men and mae @ most. interesting chat with theme | We pulled in Chicage on time and full of. curiousity. After teking a short walk, we arrived at ‘the ‘Allerton Hotel in our nice soft twin beds, thankful for the qhanes to be called a member of a Kansas team, 8s started. and for such ea fine trip thet Wh only ‘Norman Sanneman | | December 24 The second day of our trip began at the Allerton Hotel in Chicago. We were called at 7:30 a. me for etnies, We oaught the N. *, Central train with sbout as much time to spare as the pugalist on the count of nines a Our destination now wes “Ann ‘Arbor, Miche, where we were to see the University and practice our basketball. The train ride was filled with amusing incidents. These were card games. as usual--bill Hogben was still trying to get some mule out of the box his girl geve hime+John Buescher was trying to sneak - away long enough to write his girl a@ letter--Vance Hall was engaged in a conversation with Bleenoresand our student “Rope” Englemen thumbed through the pages of his business Law books Everyone was having © grand tine and not forgetting we had three bankothe}2 games to win before we got: wok, home » Mrs» Allen hes been so ‘nie to ell of us and is giving us some very welcome motherly advice 50 the boys and re won *¢ be eleke and I do mean cateit wes, 2:15 * Me Our lodging for the night was tceateen of one large room with fifteen beds! It wes great fun staying together and sleeping together-- it was good practice in team worklist We ate dinner in the college cafeteria and met the distinguished Vrs Yost, head of the Physical Ed. Department of the University of Michigan. He is a very fine gentleman and has contributed much towards the development of physical education. Herman Sannemean After dinner we practiced et the Intramural Building and ironed out some of the iinks -of ba long rides Bob Allen and : hed « a most enjoyable chat with barbars while. they sliced us up a bit, but the chat proved most expensive 81806 Beb had to. pay the most ‘outregeous sum of twenty-five cents for a small portion of hair julcos+guess we "Kensans” looked easy!I2! After dinner at the cafeteria, ‘some of us took in the movies while others stayed. in and finished their correspondence. The lights were out at 91Eip Me, and all were in beds 1 cont "beve to mention how thankful T am to be a member of ‘such a fine group. of boys ont, ff ened @ fine coache ‘The boys show real eeeperation at team wort off the court as well as on the courte-it ell goes to make the trip nore successful end enjoyablee Tomorrow we will see wire Falls and many other points of - interest for =_—n : } : | | December 23 A Santa Fe Streamliner stopped at Lawrence at 1:02 pe Me, ard left at 1:05 ps ms In those three minutes the University of Kensas squad tossed beg after bag of lugeege on ‘the: train, and bid goodbye to a loyal Chancellor's wife, Mrs. Ma lott. To the teonte happy surprise,. Dean Paul Lawson also boarded the strean- liner, enroute to Cleveland. Very shortly we errived in Kansas City where the team, Dre Allen, and trainer teen Nesmith posed for pictures while observing the article, "Give the Ball to Juntos," being featured in the last Saturday Evening Poste a | The rest of the journey to Chicage was spent in working Te Pe Hunter's mechanical puzzle, in ‘fact, we found Little five-year old helver by the name of Johnny Herbert, who ——— ‘the ‘follows te be quite a swell bunch, »t least - he liked the papnle, 000 An sequaintence with “r. — Bell, heed of the eaeeuthon Uivtiten of Fo. Be Ie in Kansas City, was made, His invitation te visit his department, was acceptin’. oe Several of the gang pasned. the & tine oo ae cards while a few studied and others siopts We arrived in Chicago at 9:50. Pe me and tunnitaabaiee adjourned to the Hotel: arieotin, and after e few minutes well, retired, | ALL in all, our crowd of Dean Lawson, lire. Allen end Eleanor i11en, Coach Del Allen, frainer Dean Nesmith, and the team made a swell group of good ol? Jayhewkers. » Pe Se Incidentally, diary, we passed through Howard's birthtown, Plmer, Missouri; of course, being on the streanliner, we passed too swiftly to be sble to distinguish from the hills, but the railroad map said it wes theres | Selly Last night we spent a comfortable evening at the Hotel Allerton in Chicago, and this sorning we had one of those thrilling mad dashes in a taxicab in order thet we might reach the Michigan Central Station on time for our mente a) boarded Mercury just as it began to pull out, end {, for one, am glad that we aia not rise it, because it was the most luxurious that I have ever ridden. We arrived at Ann Arbor, Michigan, et 2°30 pe mey Be Se Te without heving lunch and I'11 tell “you, there was almost a strike against Dre ‘Allen because of the deleys | : | | Ke checked our lugengebt the Michigan Union Building, where we stayed as guests. Our meals were taken in. the Union cafeteria, where fine food . and nice selection was obtainable. — our car khoant was held in the intramural building of the U University of Mohigan, where we held a ener’: scrimmages What the squad thought to be the ‘huge football stadium of Michigan was found later to be merely a practice fields The Serves stadium holds 86 ,000 persons, the desk cevetinet is apprentontaly 12,000, and the campus covers 36 square milese = "Junior was growing shagey, so he went for a eix-bit ride in a barber's chair. Vanes hes been suffering from a low temp rature and cold since Patty is not — to keep that old fight and fever in hime We are all turning in by 9:30 since we must leave by seven o'elock in the morning. With fifteen fellows, such as we ere, in one room contént, there will undoubtedly be something interesting te tell you tomerrow. December 25 ~ We arose this Christmas bese at 6330 &e Me, and sure enough, I haves few things to say oinnnntan our a1). sleeping in the same room. ‘the fellows clained thet sebnoon threw an air tight defense on someone in the middle of the night and somebody in my vicinity made @ swell imitation of a phog horne Selly © We left Ann Arbor at 7:01 @e ms on the train for Niagera Falls. During our short ride through Canadian territory we noticed many soldicrs of the Royal forces and I meade the eequaintance of a Mr. John Hopkins who was in the Ce Oo Te Ce and from whom I Amrned many things concerning the Canadien preperation, | “We arrived eat ‘Shinn about 2:00 pe Mes ‘am the first thing of interest which ¥ we saw was a drunk who riety gave us a lesson on lots of reasons not to drinks | We ete lunch at the teats: cote ‘ena then walked to the Fallse In @ moment World. It is truly 4 beautiful ond Aedath-toking sight. Upon seeing —— so naturally greet one feels thet Cot hncels must surely be standing nesr bys we stayed at the Falls until 8:00 De m. when the colored. lights are turned upon the mist. and falling waters itter @ lest gience at the Falls we hurried back to the station where we boarded the palinen which is to give us ean all night ride across the state of New York. Dessuber it y After a very ow night spent on the train we arrived at West - Point, it where we weetees the academy and also worked out before. leeving for ler York Citys ve arrived in New York Gity about 6:30 pe me after riding a ferry across the Hudson Piver. After eating xe went to Medison Square Gerden and put on an serene practice between helves of the City College = Senta Clara gemee December 27 and practiced about noon at the “y," We slept rather late this morning In the afternoon e11 except Bob illen, ‘who hes a colk) of us wont on a sight- seeing tour which realty took m the fanous spots of the city. “e also got to Selly see the Normandie, a French ship in American retreat. After dinner we were left to do whatever we wished and most of the fellows took in a show and retirede December 28 This morning most of us went to the Padio City Music Hell, which is truly a wonderful theatre with en excellent program. ‘We rested at the hotel in the afternoon end then watehed the Ne Ye Ue VSe Minnesota game following are with Fordham. I don't believe I*11 say mich about the game, e xcept : that maybe the city lights were a little too bright for our eyes. Tonight "Deo" took us to a fine dinner et the Hotel Lincoln where we listened to Tony Pasteur's orchestra. | : December 2 Today we passed time by riding subways, riding excursion boats, and seeing novice before leaving at 4:00 ofcleck for Philadlephiea. Orel ied dig we immedietely went to the sweetness field house for a Welot werkneut and then to Strath Haven Inn, where we will stay for the next two eveningse ‘e all listened to the President's ppeech this evening before going to bed. December 30 “e arose fairly early this norning end jouk tee train pe Philedelphia where we called on Bob Reed, the managing editor of the Country Gentleman angasine, aad vietbed the Shrine if Frew Governnent, Independence “all. In the afternoon we went: ack +o the Inn end premred for the game in the eveninge The fellows played good and fought hard tonight, but it seemed as though the ote were against ial, because we wore vente cgadins Ve sew several K, U, alumni efter the game and then we hed a feed before retiring. Os olly : December 1 We had out closest traineeateh this mornings In _— hed the train been on time we wouldn't have made ite On the train there were several pretty coeds » who were enroute to the naond academy bell. As soon &s we arrived in Vashington D. we hurried, to the Fe Be Ie Bui lding where we hed an interesting. tour through the departments « the rife range they deunnuticiet 0 new.cnd extremely powerful bullet. which is sold only to governnent mons This bullet has the power to penetrate belle proof vests and even the engine blocks of carse e Tonight being New r Toor 8 tye, we were left on our own to ao whe tever ae we wichod - Nearly everyone took in at least one shor and then: losfea around, 4842. our pullmen left at 11:40 pe me Engleman, “ogben, Hunter, ond I climbed “the Capitol steps before. turning ine : a an co : Pig January 1 We were mnnenet in tine | to change trains this morning at Pitteburgs - A Western Union bey - was aveiting to give Sonnenan a wire, telling him of the cnienl of twins by his girl pedir. ‘ Great Bend. There seemed te be some foul pley in the soteup, however, because the telegran WES written. in Washington ° De Gs ok ) Our ride to Chicago the rome inder of the dey was wry tiring, 80 we all turned in early without moving much attention to the sights around us to be seene Re Se On the same train with us vas Santa Clara's basketball equad. Ye soon made, friends with them ant, head a fow exchanges of ee and. songs. = : en January 2 Today was spent at the Hotel Allerton entirely. We eeivak seen & lot of sights in the past wook and have paid tee little attention ito besketbell ' playe It's time that we are getting seriously minded for our Big Six tyntgnt we hed a close game with Levels, but we managed to win by one yetates Big John Kline throw 8 body block on the score keepers teble , that gave the whole crowd . ‘thts After the game John Kline's ‘duesin who is a pilot on the United Air Lines showed Engleman, John, and I a few of the high spots of Chicago and also one of the most delicious steaks that I ever hope to cat. scl Jenueary 5 ioe After breakfast we made eur traditional grand rush for the railroad station just tn time to board the streamliner for good old Kansas SS v= Chaptes Valker Just ae December 25 is the biggest day of the year for every small child, December 23 is one of the most important for those on the Ke Ue basketball team. In spite of the Christmas rails left Lawrence on time, and were sent on our way by Ire. Malott and ohildrens "e gpont most of the first hour on the train arranging the meny pieces of luggage. At Union Station in Kansas City, we were met by photographers who took pictures both on walt off the train. We wine posed reading the erticle, "Give the Ball te Junior," o feature about Dre Allen in the “nen hone of the Seturdey Evening Post. Since we are wearing’ our pleyers traveling ehirte, we are asked many questions by others on the trains» a ‘talked for over an hour with a sophomore, engineering student from Se Me Ue their course of gtaty. is entirely different from Ours — Se six weeks in class, then six weeks working in private factories, etc. Me also discussed fraternities at both schools. We were entertained a large pert of the time by two small children, a fivewyoor-old boy and his, eloven-yoar-0ld sister, who were traveling alone to ! Chissges Awong other things, they ell our autographse ve arrived. te anteago on echedu > and were immediately on our way to the Allerton Motel, which is on wi chigan Boulevard. A loceal sorority porty wes) being held in the hotel at the tives Of course, we looked over the girls, but were unimpressed by theme after a short, brisk walk and a milk shake, we returned to the hotel. Aecommodatione were good, and we especially enjoyed the radio which was provided. Off to bed, ending the first dey of our tripe P, Se I believe everyone on the trip missed one point of interest on the train ride. The Mississippi River was crossed unnoticed by us, because of the exrly — setting of the sun, and also a setting of a heavy fog. omic >. Charles valker SRR eS Se We left the Allerton Hoter after a good night's rest. The first incident of importance he ppened in the taxicab goirig to the railroad stations In ae line of conversation with the Criyers we mentioned we were from Kansas. His reply was, “whet part of Manands Topeka or HUTCHINS ON?" All of which further shows the prominence of the salt Center of the World. After a wild rush through the Illinois Central natieey station, we berely got on. the train in ‘ime. Much of the time on the train was spent writing and reading the accounts of the first deys's activities. : | | ve arrived in Ann Arbor at 2:30, eww i wie really 1:30, because we gained an hour in changing from Central to Hastern time. However , it really mst have been 2'30, for we were too lete to get a regular luncheon, and had to be content with cereal and fruite While eating, we were introduced to | Fielding Yost, a a forner Ke Ue football coach, who is now a member of the Michigan facultye In his conversation, he ueib lanes Dean entiet: dean of Ke Ue Engineering School wets this year shen he went ” Michigen. After leaving our Iugenee at the Michigen Union, we walked to the University of Michigan Sports Building to have our first practices The Sports Building is used prineipally fer intramurals, | oat hes five facilities for every indoor sport. December 2 6 we performed a “major feat Christmas morning by arising at 5:45 to ih _ the train for nen Falls. The trip through Cenada was uneventful with the a of the — difference in the appearance of the Cana@iah towns. we. were not ossgees to - off the ein at any Canadian stents in order not to ‘have our bagesee inspested by custons officials, e just yiewsd the metie from the canadian oidey which offers the best piotere of the Falls. Ye then sR eat alta — “Cha lres Welker. watched the Falls from all angles, both under sunlight and artificial ‘night lights from the American side of the rivere Vance missed wah! of the fun at Niagara because of an a tack of flue We left Niagarala bout 8:00 by pullman for Vest Point. It was my first pullman ride, and I enjoyed it very muche Despite contrary rumors y I found it easy to sleep on the trains December 26 pane leaving Kansas City, we have had very damp and foggy weathers At Veet Point we were met by the Army bus which took us to the west Point Thayer Hotel. It is on the West Point reservation and provides lodging | : places for girls and parents of visiting cadets. ve spent most of the morning Looking over the wonderful gymnasium, which offers every facility to the cadets. we nspegtes the working Gi verters of Rolend "Kickapoo" Logan, head army ‘trainer and sornee Ke U, trainer, sna: were examined hare for signe of colds ‘or flu by Ma jor Neisse sled Undoubtedly the isiocanilie th rath ‘the Vest Point | stopeott gave us. was the we loud cheering of the plebes: when wo. ‘entered the army mess hall where/were dinner guests. . After dinner wi talked with en Art G. who came from Leavenworth We had a light venation in the x "army field rouse, and then ecules our trip to New ‘orke i - e ferried across the Fudeon, but foiled to see much skyline, eceuse of wi foge Got our first glimpse of Madison fousre Garden that night and warmed up between halves of second game. Games were rough, but were vices poorlye dames M. Arnold Finally, the day “es arrived-enot the day of reckoning, nor the day of mourning, nor even Christmas Day--but the dey that we start our wonderful Eastern tripe For three or four months we've been locking forward te this trip with extreme interest; for three or four weeks we've eagerly awaited the announcement of the squad's personnel; for three or four days the excitement of the vacation trip has made us so nervous that our basketball - game has degradated to a gamo of shinny and our lessons hsve gone to rote ‘Yes, today is the first day of the trips The “whites” and _ the “reds” sorimmaged vais this morning. Rope was hot as usual, in we Pin.» the “whites” won the game, but the | score was oleses The ‘scrimmage ended late and we rushed home to: we and get down “~ Jehante Perker's for lunch. sennenen hedn't shaved and senchan hadn 't packed, and some of the rest of the fellows had other things to do, but, at thet, I was 5 the lsst one down town. Teo late to eat, I tore to the Bente Pe. acpote Lueky I did, for ‘T was just in time. The rest of the fellows were al there--and 6 sporty Leoking outfit they were, todos Nearly: every fellow had a New York hats Rope, - sporting a bright green ess, declared his was the vest. Hogben oe had a Christmas present, e small portable radio, which he proudly displeyed. Bill is the boy directly from Leeds, you Imowerhe's mighty proud of his British bloods We boarded the oar along with a horde of other travelers. Our baggage was limitless--it was stuek all ever the trein. The fellows settled down to bridge, hearts, and yes, Pope began his Lew study. Hogben and I lucked SASS ee: ae aR ree peat ne SESSA 4 TSE Sa ae ion, rey ey iY z as NNR : James M, Arnold out a victory in bridge over Allen and Kline, Allen was being ealleé Junior by everyone now, because of a story of the Southern California game thet wes printed in the Saturday Evening Post and given to us in Kansas City when we got off to have our pictures taker. We felt that someone was missing from our croude- true enough, it was Vance Halle Oh, well, wherever Eleanor WAB, there Vance would bes Lucky for us, and for Vance especially, beautiful Eleanor hed favored us with her presence on the tripe She was accompanied by her lovely and talented mother. bets. Lewson, too, rode as fer a8 ‘Chioage with us-#he was going to Cleveland on business. We all took a liking to Johnnie Herbert and his aeter,-- Connie, who were riding on the streamliner alone from Kansas City to Chicsagos Johnnie was ‘almost five, but he was @ brilliant fellow for his ages«very sonvarantlonsi and friendly. Connie was a | brilliant Sndividual>-she Mall k Voesbulery. of a high school girl, but she was only eleven. She tried to get all our autographs, but we were onery and not very obligings Bob Allen took quite a liking to hersche-theught she was quite nice, Finally we arrived ~~. Chicago, slowly got our baggage off the train, and were whisked eway in yellow cabs to the Allerton. The illustrious "Doo" in his * wsual accommodating macner had erranged fine rooms for us on floors high up above the worth famous “Hichigan Avenues After getting a "Shin" malt and a sendwich at Welgreen's«-the food couldn't compare with the exquisite dinner we had on the train--we went in pairs to our wie for a muoh aceled. night's rests The first day of the trip was suscessfully and happily overs 9. Puveckon U December 23, 1940 Monday morning, December 23, 1940, we had basketball practice at Robinson Gym in Lawrence before leaving on the most enjoyable trip of my life, We practiced from 9:30 ae me to 12 otetile keen. At noon we had dinner at Wiedemen"s Cafe in Lawrences _ Seeing us off and wishing us the best of luck was lirss Malott and children. q ae We left Lawrence eg the sine Fe Streamliner, "whe Scout," for Chicage, Illinois, at ote o'clock. Paul Lawson, dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Seiences at the University of Kansas, accompanied the team as far as Chicago. We arrived in Kansas City, Missouri, at 1:50 pe me ‘he baskote ball teams picture wes taken by a Saturday Evening Post photographer — at Union Station in Kansas City. We were awerded copies of the December 28 issue of Saturday Evening Post for our reward. = We left Kansas City at 2:00 p. >. fer Chicago which is 451 miles. This stretch of train ride was the longest I have ever ridden in a nonestop flights During the long leg of our journey the “various team members did many thirgs. There were card games, walking on the train, sleeping, relaxing, studying, and other things to take up the time while on the train. Bill Hogben brought his small radio on the trip in order to ‘ provide us with music, but due to inability to get any radio stations, we all decided it was a fluke. _ , Howard sechoue enjoyed having his picture taken with his new Christmas hat on so much that he wore it while on the traine John Buescher Mervin Sellenberger spent most of his time in thinking of someone back at Coffeyville, Kansas In my estimation the only difficulty I found with the | transportation was thet ‘the odkes were sixteen cents instead of a 3 a nickel. At six o'clock we hed e while cruising along at seventy- five wiles an hours mis ws ny first meal while riding on a train. We arrived in a ot 9:30 Monday night, and were met by Jane Allen, Dre Allen's. ai ughter ». and two friends at Dearborn station. | We took texi oabs to the Allerton Hotel, which is ldcated near the loop in Chicago. Apter checking in at the hotel we took a ah “twenty minute walk. while on this walk we saw the Palmolive _ ‘building which is the largest I have ever seens One oan see the blue and while spot lights fer miles ant niles, After our walk, we hed a bite te eat at a Walgreen Drug, Store near the hotels - ae 3 | We then went to our ‘ae listened to the redios for last minute newscasts about he war situation, . About 11:30 we retured ana looked forward with great anxiety to our next days journeys _gohn Buescher December 24, 1940 We left the Allerton Hotel in Chicago in time to arrive at the New York Central railroad station about three minutes before the train pulled out. While enroute to the station we rode on Chicago's famed Michigan Boulevard. We er the Stevens Hotel, which is the largest hotel in the world, while on Michigan Boulevard. We left Chicage at 9:15 in the morning for our trip through Michigan. The train we rode on was one of the most modern in the - gountrys One of the features of the train was a speedometer © found in the observation car. While looking at this speedometer I noticed that we were going seventy-seven miles an houre "While enroute to Ann Arbor we passed through Kelamazoo, uichigen. Ka lama 200 is the city in which stoves and furnaces are manufa ctured « ee At Niles, Michigan, we changed our wetehes from Central Standard time to Bastern Standard Tine. Instesd of being 10:45 Be Me it was 11:45. This made Howard Engleman very happy es his seat was getting herds iM | At Battle Creek we saw the homes of Generel Foods, Ralstons, and Kelloggs Cerealcs — 3 The team members were doing many things on this leg of our flight again. The most. populer was playing bridge. Vance Hall picked up he fu somewhere and was very 411. At this point he is sitting covered ‘up and thinking of a little gal in Wichita, Kansas. John Bues cher _ We arrived at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at 2:23 Tuesday afternoon. We took our luggage to the Memorial Union building on the campus of the University of Michigans | | We hed our lunch about 3:00 in the Union building. Yhile eating we had a distinguished visitor at our table. It was none other than Fielding He Yost, the direetor of athletics at the University of sabtabite Ure Yost was formerly coach of football at the University of Kanses. On our way to basketball practice we passed the famous Ferry Field where many a football star played. We practiced at the University of Michigan Intramural or _ Sports building. In this building they have five basketball courts in one gym. We practiced until 7:50 pe m.. We then had our dinner at the Union Cafeterias _. After dinner we were given orders to be in by 9:30 pe eis or to go back homes “ a | Some of the boys went to the shew and others retired. We slept in a dormitory on the hardest beds imaginable. Bob Johnson played quite « gane of basketball in his sleep. Bill — Hogben also did a very good job of keeping everyone else awakes We were awekened at 5:45 in order to eat and catch our train for Detroite Howard ingleman ; December 23, 1940 We left Lawrence at 1:00 Pe M,. and were accompanied | by Dean Paul Lawson to Ciieago, In Kansas City Union Station we were met by some representatives of the Konses - City Star and Saturday Evening Post. There we had our - pletures taken and were each given copies of the Saturday Evening Post which contained the article about Dr. Allen and the team, From Kansas City ee Chicago most of the time was apent with two cute children, Johnny and Connie Herbert, aged five and ten respectively, . P. Hunter entertained them with a little puzzle, Both children secured our autographs, and had the entire car in an uproar most of the times. Vance Hall entertained #leanor Allen all the way while _ the rest of us played a studied, or chatted with the drunks: in the club car, | | oo We arrived in Chicago at 9150, went: straight to our hotel, walked a mile, and then returned to beds. A radio in the room soon put us to sleep for the end of the first is hey, LS | . Howard ingleman _ December 24, 1940 We left Chicago en route to nn Arbor at 9330. The trains up here don't wait for anyone, We rode until , 3:00 without food, which 1s somewhat of a record, Then we practiced in the huge dntrawerel rullding at Michigan University, where seven basketball courts sit side by side. First calamity o¢cured when Vance Hall was stricken 111 after turning his ankle in practice, Our roon at the Michigan Union Building looked like the Beta dormitory at home, Doe Allen wis reelining on Hogben's bed, but, Bill thinking it was a team mate, ordered him off in rough loneenee Bob Allen paid seventy-five cents for a haircut and change of o41 unknowingly. Hogben's radio is still a fluke, but is tuproving vepidly, KEnglesan’s hat still looks fine. : 3 At night we stayed around the dorm, although some of the boys went to a show, Lights were out at 9:50, and the night passed peacefully for everyone except Johnson, who played forty minutes of basketball aloud in bed, Howard Engleman December 27, 1940 ie first morning in New York we found our hotel was right in the maiden ef downtown Broadway and Times ‘Square. There was the familiar "Chevrolet" and ‘Sisaters - Peanuts" eign so familiar to all movie goars who see occasional screen flashes of the busiest corner in the | world, In the p. m, we spent a doller apices to go on a bus sight-seeing tour of the southern part of the island, Hurried views of all the important sights and buildings, including the Smpire State, Wall Street, Radio City, Chine Town, The Statue of Liverty from the aquarium, etc, We returned for supper and then Engleman, Walker, Kline, and Johnson tried their skill at riding subways, The boys aia pretty well considering the fact they had never ridden them before, We are pretty confident of vietory tomorrow over Fordham because everyone here says we are good and Fordham is poor. Dr. Allen has five tickets to the Fred Nablus Chestere- field program, In the end, though, Engleman and Bob Allen sneak through the doorman, and Walker, Dr, Allen, Arnolds Johnson, and Kline come in legally. ‘Those who did not attend the radio program spent their money on a cheap burlesque. and checked their coats for @ quarter, | - Pheadilly Cireus Bar, dances with beautiful | Howard, ingleman December 28, 1940 _ The morhing of the game we all went to Radio City, Half of the boys got lost and instead of going to the spacious Music Hall and seeing a fine performance, we went through a broadcast tour of the R, C, A, building, It was very interesting and educational, Sanneman, our architectural engineer, explained minutely all the interesting building features, He knew much more than our guide, . | In the p, m, we rested and prepared for our game, The game lasted forty minutes, When it was over we went be the Beautiful Blue Room in the Hotel Lineeln and dined and daneed to the music of Tony Pasteur and his. ‘band, Accompanying us were some twenty or thirty eluant or friends of Kansas University, The evening was very enjoy~ able, Sanneman struck up a. personel acquaintance with Bon Bon, the negro vocalist, while your author succeeded | getting Martha Ray's autograph earlier in the day in the | John Kline and Vance Hall exchanged eanor Allen, Howard Sngleman ae be December 29, 1940 Four boys, Sanneman, Hall, Hogben, and ayself arose at 7:30 to accompany 5Srad Thompson, former Washburn star athlete who is the husband of one of the former Dodge glamour girls of Kansas University. 5rad took us all over the city and showed us many sights we had. missed on our bus tour two days previously, Staten Island, Central Park, Fifth Avenus, and Harlem were visited, Churches and homes of notables were also Seen. ) We left New York at 4:00 on the Pennsylvanie K, R,. en route to our retreat in Swarthmore, Pa, Located just outside Philadelphia we stayed at the quaint Shath Haven Inn which has been a landmark of hospitality for generations. We practiced at the Swarthmore College Field House where we had the run of the place, “e petired early,. Howerd ingleman December 30, 1940 The morning of the Temple game we advanced from our Strath Haven retreat and visited the beautiful city of Philadelphia where Benjamin Franklin, | oe After walking about ten miles around the city, we had eouher well covered the high spots; Liberty Bell, Convention Hall, and other quaint buildings were sights never to be forgotten, Sanneman resioved a cobble stone from the walk leading to the Hall where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed and kept it as a souvenir. | In the pe M, we retracted to Swarthmore and then played Temple that evening, : | : : December 31, 1940 We left Swarthmore for Washington D, C, in the morning, 4 trip through the F, B, I, building featured the dey, In the evening we ate at the cafeteria and split up to spend New Year's Kve, Most of us went to shows or burlesques and retired in our Pullman long before the New Year came. We decided we must beat Loyola, Howard “nglemnan January 1, 1941 After a night on the Pullman we arrive in Pittsburgh, Pas, get stung for breakfast, ride all day until 5:00 | 2 o'clock to Chicago, In the same car is the Santa Clara ae, team,—-A fine, elean buheh of boys if I ever saw such, Arriving in Chicago we eat and then go directly to our eee and asleep by nines January 2, 1941 Arising rather late we go to Marshall Plelds and buy Gae girls a nice. prosent. Inexpensive but ieutikentel, In the De mM, we rest and prepare ourselves mentally for eG the game, ‘the game very rough was won, A good many alumnus of K. U, were there, many meeting each othor for the firet time, After the game we and then retired, January 3, 1942 Home agains Whoopee}