— “Cha lres Welker. watched the Falls from all angles, both under sunlight and artificial ‘night lights from the American side of the rivere Vance missed wah! of the fun at Niagara because of an a tack of flue We left Niagarala bout 8:00 by pullman for Vest Point. It was my first pullman ride, and I enjoyed it very muche Despite contrary rumors y I found it easy to sleep on the trains December 26 pane leaving Kansas City, we have had very damp and foggy weathers At Veet Point we were met by the Army bus which took us to the west Point Thayer Hotel. It is on the West Point reservation and provides lodging | : places for girls and parents of visiting cadets. ve spent most of the morning Looking over the wonderful gymnasium, which offers every facility to the cadets. we nspegtes the working Gi verters of Rolend "Kickapoo" Logan, head army ‘trainer and sornee Ke U, trainer, sna: were examined hare for signe of colds ‘or flu by Ma jor Neisse sled Undoubtedly the isiocanilie th rath ‘the Vest Point | stopeott gave us. was the we loud cheering of the plebes: when wo. ‘entered the army mess hall where/were dinner guests. . After dinner wi talked with en Art G. who came from Leavenworth We had a light venation in the x "army field rouse, and then ecules our trip to New ‘orke i - e ferried across the Fudeon, but foiled to see much skyline, eceuse of wi foge Got our first glimpse of Madison fousre Garden that night and warmed up between halves of second game. Games were rough, but were vices poorlye