dames M. Arnold Finally, the day “es arrived-enot the day of reckoning, nor the day of mourning, nor even Christmas Day--but the dey that we start our wonderful Eastern tripe For three or four months we've been locking forward te this trip with extreme interest; for three or four weeks we've eagerly awaited the announcement of the squad's personnel; for three or four days the excitement of the vacation trip has made us so nervous that our basketball - game has degradated to a gamo of shinny and our lessons hsve gone to rote ‘Yes, today is the first day of the trips The “whites” and _ the “reds” sorimmaged vais this morning. Rope was hot as usual, in we Pin.» the “whites” won the game, but the | score was oleses The ‘scrimmage ended late and we rushed home to: we and get down “~ Jehante Perker's for lunch. sennenen hedn't shaved and senchan hadn 't packed, and some of the rest of the fellows had other things to do, but, at thet, I was 5 the lsst one down town. Teo late to eat, I tore to the Bente Pe. acpote Lueky I did, for ‘T was just in time. The rest of the fellows were al there--and 6 sporty Leoking outfit they were, todos Nearly: every fellow had a New York hats Rope, - sporting a bright green ess, declared his was the vest. Hogben oe had a Christmas present, e small portable radio, which he proudly displeyed. Bill is the boy directly from Leeds, you Imowerhe's mighty proud of his British bloods We boarded the oar along with a horde of other travelers. Our baggage was limitless--it was stuek all ever the trein. The fellows settled down to bridge, hearts, and yes, Pope began his Lew study. Hogben and I lucked SASS ee: ae aR ree peat ne SESSA 4 TSE Sa ae ion, rey ey iY z as NNR :