James M, Arnold out a victory in bridge over Allen and Kline, Allen was being ealleé Junior by everyone now, because of a story of the Southern California game thet wes printed in the Saturday Evening Post and given to us in Kansas City when we got off to have our pictures taker. We felt that someone was missing from our croude- true enough, it was Vance Halle Oh, well, wherever Eleanor WAB, there Vance would bes Lucky for us, and for Vance especially, beautiful Eleanor hed favored us with her presence on the tripe She was accompanied by her lovely and talented mother. bets. Lewson, too, rode as fer a8 ‘Chioage with us-#he was going to Cleveland on business. We all took a liking to Johnnie Herbert and his aeter,-- Connie, who were riding on the streamliner alone from Kansas City to Chicsagos Johnnie was ‘almost five, but he was @ brilliant fellow for his ages«very sonvarantlonsi and friendly. Connie was a | brilliant Sndividual>-she Mall k Voesbulery. of a high school girl, but she was only eleven. She tried to get all our autographs, but we were onery and not very obligings Bob Allen took quite a liking to hersche-theught she was quite nice, Finally we arrived ~~. Chicago, slowly got our baggage off the train, and were whisked eway in yellow cabs to the Allerton. The illustrious "Doo" in his * wsual accommodating macner had erranged fine rooms for us on floors high up above the worth famous “Hichigan Avenues After getting a "Shin" malt and a sendwich at Welgreen's«-the food couldn't compare with the exquisite dinner we had on the train--we went in pairs to our wie for a muoh aceled. night's rests The first day of the trip was suscessfully and happily overs