John Bues cher _ We arrived at Ann Arbor, Michigan, at 2:23 Tuesday afternoon. We took our luggage to the Memorial Union building on the campus of the University of Michigans | | We hed our lunch about 3:00 in the Union building. Yhile eating we had a distinguished visitor at our table. It was none other than Fielding He Yost, the direetor of athletics at the University of sabtabite Ure Yost was formerly coach of football at the University of Kanses. On our way to basketball practice we passed the famous Ferry Field where many a football star played. We practiced at the University of Michigan Intramural or _ Sports building. In this building they have five basketball courts in one gym. We practiced until 7:50 pe m.. We then had our dinner at the Union Cafeterias _. After dinner we were given orders to be in by 9:30 pe eis or to go back homes “ a | Some of the boys went to the shew and others retired. We slept in a dormitory on the hardest beds imaginable. Bob Johnson played quite « gane of basketball in his sleep. Bill — Hogben also did a very good job of keeping everyone else awakes We were awekened at 5:45 in order to eat and catch our train for Detroite