Howard ingleman ; December 23, 1940 We left Lawrence at 1:00 Pe M,. and were accompanied | by Dean Paul Lawson to Ciieago, In Kansas City Union Station we were met by some representatives of the Konses - City Star and Saturday Evening Post. There we had our - pletures taken and were each given copies of the Saturday Evening Post which contained the article about Dr. Allen and the team, From Kansas City ee Chicago most of the time was apent with two cute children, Johnny and Connie Herbert, aged five and ten respectively, . P. Hunter entertained them with a little puzzle, Both children secured our autographs, and had the entire car in an uproar most of the times. Vance Hall entertained #leanor Allen all the way while _ the rest of us played a studied, or chatted with the drunks: in the club car, | | oo We arrived in Chicago at 9150, went: straight to our hotel, walked a mile, and then returned to beds. A radio in the room soon put us to sleep for the end of the first is hey, LS |