Howard Engleman December 27, 1940 ie first morning in New York we found our hotel was right in the maiden ef downtown Broadway and Times ‘Square. There was the familiar "Chevrolet" and ‘Sisaters - Peanuts" eign so familiar to all movie goars who see occasional screen flashes of the busiest corner in the | world, In the p. m, we spent a doller apices to go on a bus sight-seeing tour of the southern part of the island, Hurried views of all the important sights and buildings, including the Smpire State, Wall Street, Radio City, Chine Town, The Statue of Liverty from the aquarium, etc, We returned for supper and then Engleman, Walker, Kline, and Johnson tried their skill at riding subways, The boys aia pretty well considering the fact they had never ridden them before, We are pretty confident of vietory tomorrow over Fordham because everyone here says we are good and Fordham is poor. Dr. Allen has five tickets to the Fred Nablus Chestere- field program, In the end, though, Engleman and Bob Allen sneak through the doorman, and Walker, Dr, Allen, Arnolds Johnson, and Kline come in legally. ‘Those who did not attend the radio program spent their money on a cheap burlesque. and checked their coats for @ quarter,