Howard Sngleman ae be December 29, 1940 Four boys, Sanneman, Hall, Hogben, and ayself arose at 7:30 to accompany 5Srad Thompson, former Washburn star athlete who is the husband of one of the former Dodge glamour girls of Kansas University. 5rad took us all over the city and showed us many sights we had. missed on our bus tour two days previously, Staten Island, Central Park, Fifth Avenus, and Harlem were visited, Churches and homes of notables were also Seen. ) We left New York at 4:00 on the Pennsylvanie K, R,. en route to our retreat in Swarthmore, Pa, Located just outside Philadelphia we stayed at the quaint Shath Haven Inn which has been a landmark of hospitality for generations. We practiced at the Swarthmore College Field House where we had the run of the place, “e petired early,.