Howerd ingleman December 30, 1940 The morning of the Temple game we advanced from our Strath Haven retreat and visited the beautiful city of Philadelphia where Benjamin Franklin, | oe After walking about ten miles around the city, we had eouher well covered the high spots; Liberty Bell, Convention Hall, and other quaint buildings were sights never to be forgotten, Sanneman resioved a cobble stone from the walk leading to the Hall where the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were signed and kept it as a souvenir. | In the pe M, we retracted to Swarthmore and then played Temple that evening, : | : : December 31, 1940 We left Swarthmore for Washington D, C, in the morning, 4 trip through the F, B, I, building featured the dey, In the evening we ate at the cafeteria and split up to spend New Year's Kve, Most of us went to shows or burlesques and retired in our Pullman long before the New Year came. We decided we must beat Loyola,