Howard “nglemnan January 1, 1941 After a night on the Pullman we arrive in Pittsburgh, Pas, get stung for breakfast, ride all day until 5:00 | 2 o'clock to Chicago, In the same car is the Santa Clara ae, team,—-A fine, elean buheh of boys if I ever saw such, Arriving in Chicago we eat and then go directly to our eee and asleep by nines January 2, 1941 Arising rather late we go to Marshall Plelds and buy Gae girls a nice. prosent. Inexpensive but ieutikentel, In the De mM, we rest and prepare ourselves mentally for eG the game, ‘the game very rough was won, A good many alumnus of K. U, were there, many meeting each othor for the firet time, After the game we and then retired, January 3, 1942 Home agains Whoopee}