Te P. Huhter December 23 Monday morning we had a short practice from 9:00 till about 11:45. We rushed home. — practice and did a little last minute packing and rushed down ts vapaewen 's to ohn. After eating, we caught the 1:00 streamliner ss of Lawrence to Cndangee Mrs.» Mallot end family were at the depot in Lawrence to see us off. Dean Lawson rode with us on the train to Chicago. He left us there to catch another train to Cleveland. At Kenses City we stopped and got out pictures taken by some photographers from the Seturday Evening Post. ‘They gave us 8 copy of the latest cabedey Evening Post.that had a very nice article in it ebout the finel game of the National tournament with Indiana last years | 5 mete £ We hed @ very pleasent trip 7 Keneas City to Chicago. We arrived in chicago about on time, 9350. We went straight from the Santa Fe depot to the ‘Allerton Hotel on Michigan Ave. After leaving our lagen ge in the hotel, we went for @ short walk to get the stiffness out of ur jointe that we hed eequired while riding on the streamlines : I think all of the esis were in bed around 11:30 to get rested “up for t>e nice long train ride the next day from Chiceco to Ann Arbor, Miche