Te Pe. Hunter Closing hours for the ve were 9:30, but some of Anite wavered this time allotment fifteen or twenty minutes in order to sheave and gst ready to srise early Chritems morning and board the trein to Niegare Fallse We were all set for a good statute rest which will have to be deferred to a leter dete, I'm afreid. We made the day very well without the loss of man or baggegee However, Vance fall showed positive signs of catching the flue December 26 Christmas morning we left Ann Arbor, Michigan, for a trip to Niagera Fallse We arrived in Niagara about 1430 - 2:00 o'clock. We shecked our weggnge at the sepil and went to e nice restaurant called “Louis '" for lunch. After lunch. we. broke up inte small groups and wert for a tour of the Falls. We observed the Falls from both the United States side and from the Canadian side. Canada seems to have gotten the best of us on the Palls deal, becquse there was much more water flowing over a greater area on the Canadian side than on the United States side, They have there at the Falls a groatihyiro-olectric plant that furnishes a large pert of Canada’s electricity. | this plant is very heavily “guarded all the time and at this time perticular ly. 7 qhe Falls was a wonderful site. The water is Slowing over the ‘biuff and onto the lerge rocks below at a tremendous rate of speede |