Loray Te P,. Hunter After practice we went back to the hotel and prepared +o go out for lunche That afternoon, if I recall correctly, we were allowed to take a tour over one section of New York and see a few of the many beautiful and interesting sights of New York City. December 28 We had a rather oto breskfast in the Childs restaurant and afterwards ints bie the hotele We were free to walk around and explore the immediate sights there.-neor the hotel. After luneh we went to our roomé and spent most of the afternoon resting for the game tht night. | ' When we went down in the lounge of the Picadilly thet afternoon to get our tea and toast before the game, who should we run into but Martha Pay, the actress. ‘She was OG. ke and lvoked pretty good frome close up views Ingleman picked up enough courage to go over to her table and get her autograph and talk to her a whilee ‘She was very nice and wished us luck in the game that nighte "owever, we lost which wasn't so goods December 29. After eating breakfast the boys wee free to run around and see a few of the remaining sights of New York. I think the subway got most of our bus that morning because we didn't think we had - sufficient tine to go on a roguiar scheduled toure se