Reb Johnson: December 23 We left Lawrence today at 1:00 o’cleck. Mrs. Malott and her children were at the station to show us off and to wish us good lucks Dean Lawson of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ethempentnd us to Chicago. While riding the train I met one of the so~eelled captains of industry, Mrs Aman by name, Ve wes ‘ federal investigator for narcotics. I bought & coke on the train tedey which cost me the vhole sum of sixteen cents. Howard Engleman end Marvin Sollenberger, in their new hats, are not fer behind Esquire in fashion. They caulk out like two sore thumbs. | For the second time my life, I tried my hand at bridge with Bob Allen, Bill Hogben, Johnay Kline. I played se poorly thet they had to send in a substitute, Jim Arnold. dust verers orriving ta: Ghbenge, 6 little red-headed youngster by the neme of Johnny forbert stole the shows He was a very tiny little fellow who.was proud of himself for being eble to work Te Pe Hunter's’ "Hepve Seabing Pussies” . He would show everyone on thé train his feet and tell them just how he eocomplished it. "Doc" celled him young Chris Cringle. We ere staying in the Allerton Hotel sis tonight. We just finished twenty minutes of walking around the block end I am now ready to hit the hay. rs