Kline different cars on the way to the hotel, but we — made it safe and sounds After being assigned to our rooms, we took a quick walk up by the Water Tower and baecke .A shake and a sandwich were consumed, and then everyone ; turned in for the nights And thus. ended the first day of our eastern trek to play Fordham, Temple, and Loyolee Goodnight diary!!! : December 24 A most wonderful. sleep in o most enjoyable bed was interrupted by the br-rere-rererer of the telephone, end, when the receiver was lifted, a most discouraging "7330, tine to got up" remark was heard. When my mind finally cleared, I realized that the second day of our onstera’ trip was about to begine ve burried down to the oafoterie of the Hotel Allerton and partook of some ham and eggse Uoctatrs basin to pack and back down. to catch a cab, and almost being lete to train were Ne Aik tires events of the days The train we took out of the T1linois Central Station was "The Mercury", e streamliner of a Michigan Central lines. It was a very modernly equipped train and maintained a good speed of seventy-five miles per houre The first part of the morning was s pent in -riting you, dear weary The second pert in petitioning, for food, unt it availed nothing The starving Chinese finally joined our teem at 12250 pe me the cor. fusion resulted primarily, however, «s a result of shanging time schodule from, Central to Eastern Times ¥e finally arrived at Ane Arbor » Wiehigan, at 2:80 Pe Mey and we taxied to the Michigan Tadons “At the Union rss Ai len- and Eleaner disappeared, never to be seen again til the next morning, sah ‘te the disappointment of the whole & groupe