Dick Miller Ve took a ride en! the Genders buseline ané saw Chinatown, the Bower, the Empire State Euilding, Radio city, vall Street, the Aquarium, and the French lines, "Normandie." It isis tee French government $1,000 a day to keep the ship in dock there. That night some of the boys went to a sho and others stayed in the hotel for a rub-down, 11 turned in about 9:30. December 28 This morning some of the boys took. subway rides and fooled around in general. Je had lungh and then went to bed in the afternoon, to rest for the game that evening. The outcome was ‘not for the best; as you probably know. December 29 Again some of us took eubwey rides. (You can go anywhere for nd went under the East River. into Brooklynse But it was alk wnjeyed very muche That afternoon, we left for Philedelphia and arrived in Swarthmore, our retreat, about 6:00 stelanis Immediately upon a went to the Swarthmore — College field house where we hed a short workout. Following this, we ent to the Strath Haven Inn where we hed our reservations. “this is one of the old fashioned, out-of-the-way places you always hear about. Cozy, expensive, luxtrious, and filled with old peoples It is an old-fashioned building with old-fashioned ideas. They even had a violinist, pianist, and celloist playing in the perlor when we arrived.