Bill Hogben We were very happy and honored to have iirs, lalfoty” her two daughters, and son, Bob, down at the station to — off, We left Lawrence at 1:00 and were accompanied to Chicago by Dean Lawson of the College, : In Kansas City, the Journal took pictures of the team, and the Saturday Evening Post agent passed out the current ieaue which contained an article about Dr, Allen, They also wanted a picture of iirs, Allen and Bleanor, but they went to the other end of the train and hid, On the train, | some of the boys played bridge, others ‘pead, and the remainder played with Connie and Teeny two little kids who were going by themselves to Chieago. for Christmas. The little boy was a cute Little red head who provided a lot of fun for the boys. We arrived in Chicago about 9:50 and went iamedlately to the Allerton Hotel, Arter unpacking we went for a twenty minute walk, The weather was as warn in Chicago as it was when we left Lawrence, Most of us were pretty tired and ates we had an early train to catch, so we went to bed early. December 24, 1940 We got up at 8:00 in Chicago to catch a 9815 train for Ann Arbor, We didn't count on the traffic being so heavy and we had to vake a mad dash to eateh the train, The train was the Mevéury N, ¥, Central line, dot Ges the best train we have ridden, ‘The observation car had glass roofl and walls so that we could see the marvelous scenery.