age (4) the effects of strain of basketball upon kidney, heart end lungs = vital organs = on the emotional and physical development of competitive inter-school as well as intra~school league competition upon the junior high school boye On pages 19 to 29 of “Better Basketball" we have described some research upon height of basket, time of players in action during actual game competition, and so forthe I am sending a book over for your hasty perusale On pages 107 to 115 we have done an original piece of work on motivation of basketball fundementals for the younger boye We have used the Lawrence Junior High School boys and Coach Perry as our leboratory. I would be glad for you to hastily glance over thiso I am also..enclosing an original study that I suggested to my co-workers and which was done by Doctors Ee Re Elbel and Ve We Lappe This work has caused much comment among the coaching profession and we have had many demands from outstanding coaches for ite In this course of graduate study in basketball we expect very definitely to deal with the psychology of coaching basketball. (1) The laws and principles of learning (2) The intent to learn (3) The incentives to practice (4) Knowledge of errors (5) Knowledge of when material learned is to be used (6) Practice makes perfect only when we obey the laws and principles of learning (7) Unless the learner makes a strong resolve to learn and unless he attends to his task his rate of improvement will be slow (8) The resolution or the intent to learn must be supported by as many incentives as the learner can find in his own experience or the coach can bring from his experiences (9) Common incentives are (a) knowledge of the goal toward which one is working; (b) knowledge of scores and records; (c) knowledge of errors; and (d) knowledge of when the skill that is being acquired will be used. (10) The practice period should be made a play period, but the men should be treated as if they were subject to some of the prine ciples which have been derived from the work curve. In this course of basketball we demonstrate these methods and procedures of teachinge We teach basketball as a game, not as a sport particularly. I thought this might help you in presenting to the committee our viewpoint of presenting this material. Very sin¢erely yours, FCA:AH