b. Psychological characteristics of school children, relating especially to problems of learning, habit formation, the develop- ment of attitudes and ideals, and to generalized training effects. ec. Basic educational theory or philosophy, as it relates to the aims and purposes of education and to the determination of educa-— tional values, especially in the student's own field of study. d. Social implications of education; including such fea- tures as state or governmental functions of education, public schools as an agency of society to serve society's needs, and the interrelationship between schools and other institutions or movements in society. e. An appropriate knowledge of educational literature. f. An understanding of the growth and development of American education as it sheds light upon current trends and practices. B. Candidates will be expected to give evidence of a critical attitude or habit of mind which disposes them to examine carefully any reports, proposals, or data with reference both to their adequacy or accuracy and to their specific limitations or meanings. C. Candidates will be expected to show adequacy of preparation in the fields in which they plan to teach. D. Candidates will be expected to provide evidence of (a) ability to deal with practical school problems and (b) possession of the professional skills and techniques needed in the fields of their special interests. V. Required Courses. With the exception of the thesis report for the M. A. and M. S. Degrees and M. S. in Education Degree, there are no uniform requirements made of all students. However, the following suggestions may prove of value to students in selecting courses. 1. It is recommended that in preparation for their research students familiarize themselves with the tools, techniques, and methods currently employed in undertakings of this type. 2. It is further recommended that candidates select not less than ten hours from the core courses named in the field which they have selected, and 3. That they arrange with the departmental adviser to whom they are assigned a complete 50-hour sequence before or soon after they begin their graduate study, to the end that they may be suitably prepared to meet the requirements which are defined above.