THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS GRADUATE SCHOOL FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1939-40 UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIPS are open to graduate students who have completed at least one year of study in a recognized graduate school. The stipend is $400 for the academic year. A University Fellow is expected to give full time to graduate study and research. UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS are open to graduates of colleges and universities of recognized standing. The stipend is $250 for the academic year. A University Scholar is expected to give full time to graduate study and research. THE IDA M. HYDE SCHOLARSHIP is open to young women doing advanced work in one of the sciences, preferably in a biological science. The stipend is $100 for the academic year. THE EDWIN EMERY SLOSSON SCHOLARSHIP IN SCIENCE is open to students of outstand- ing ability in some field of science. The stipend is $500 for the academic year. THE GEORGE A. SPANG MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP is open to graduate students qualified for study and research under the direction of the Department of Petroleum Engineering. The stipend is $600 for the academic year. All fellowships and scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis. Fellows and scholars must pay the regular University fees. Applications for fellowships and scholarships and all supporting testimonials must reach the office of the Dean of the Graduate School on or before March 1, 1939. Announcement of awards will be made on April 1, 1939. For application blanks and for further information address: The Dean of the Grad- uate School, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS A number of departments, particularly science departments, employ college graduates for service on a part-time basis. It is expected that the remainder of the time shall be given to graduate study. The stipend varies from $200 to $750 for the academic year, depending upon the amount of service. Information in regard to positions as graduate assistants may be obtained directly from the head of the department concerned.