UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Department of Physical Education 0 To Teacher Training Institutions Offering a Major in Physical Education: PLEASE POST THIS MEMORANDUM Five graduate teaching assistantships in Physical Education (men and women) at $500 each are available for the academic year 1939-40, These are offered only to candidates interested in obtaining the master's degrees BASIS OF SELECTION: 1. High scholastic standing. To be eligible for a graduate teaching assistantship a student must have attained a grade point average of 2.25 (B+) in all undergraduate work taken in the senior year. 2, The equivalent of the undergraduate major in physical education at UsCeLeAe, approximately 30 units of upper division major courses, including the equivalent of such courses 465 Principles, Administration, Tests and Measurements, Kinesiology, Technique of Teaching, Corrective Physical Education, Physiology of Exereise and Health Education, 3, Recommendations from the chairman and staff members of the student's undergraduate institution, covering the following points: (a) Personality and cultural background (b) General fitness for graduate work and potentialities for growth (c) Ability to teach freshman and sophomore activity classes. (A small photograph should accompany the application) 4, A transeript of record must accompany the application. Each graduate assistant will be required to teach not more than 10 hours per week of activity classes or the equivalent in research duties and hence it will not be possible to carry a full academic program leading toward the Master's degree or the Generel Secondary Credential. The non-resident fee of $75,00 per semester may be remitted for students who have distinguished scholership records and who maintain them. Applicents should apply immediately to ‘Dr, Frederick W. Cozens University of California at Los Angeles 405 Hilgard Avenue Los Angeles, California Appointments will be made approximately on or before May 1.