Name Brock, Jeanne Buescher, John F. Buhler, Geraldine Burchfield, Mary Caldwell, Ken Campbell, Delbert Davis, Peggy Deal, Betty Doughty, Wanda Mae Fisher, Annabel Fruin, Catherina Hodges, Warren D. Longenecker, Louise Kelley, Re MeCaudless, Grace MeGill, Virginia McNown, Mary Louise Oliver, Marjorie Reed, Margaret Mary Rice, Marilyn Sherwood, Gene Shuss, Althea Tiembly, Beeky Turner, Jesse Paul George Diek Topie "Recreation and Mental Therapy" “Recreation from a Municipal Standpoint" “Camping as a Reereation"- or "Leisure Time and Youth" "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency” "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" "Need for Rural Recreation and Playground" "The Summer Camp" “The Sumer Camp" “Camping as a Reereation" "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency” "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" "Summer Camps" "The Chureh wnt Recreation" "The Need for Rural Recreation and Playgrounds" "Playgrounds and Juvenile Delinqueney" Summer Camps-"Girl Scout Camps" “Leisure Time and Youth" "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" 1."Recreation and Mental Therapy" 2."Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" (Will decide soon and turn in choice.) “Leisure Time and Youth "Recreation for Girls and Women" "Recreation and Juvenile Delinquency" "Leisure Time and Youth" "Recreation from a Municipal Standpoint"