i. oi; Dalitatie tea cy at tie ee ee, ‘be Deseribe the theory of the successful defense. Ze Elaborate upon the adnonition conerning angles and curves. Se Describe (a) a legal starting of a dribble; (b) @ Legal dribble; (e) @ double dribble. te int is the reek funetion of a dribble? «Be Hatortne tas dheesnan of Whe Seyt Senile ont, 0 ove sian. Wnieh are preferable or Ge Deseribe ture of « first class fighting men both on offense and ; ae a t Elaborate upon the coach's esponsibilities and duties from the time when he takes over, in talking to the candidates for the team until after he plays his first championship game. (Pee The talk to the team is in next questions) = = Be Give a pre-game and & between-halves talk to the team, using beth an analytical amd en inspirational talk to oe 20: thay be 00 -eb see Denne yank MO te eens What would you do to prevent it - first, if you had no money to buy vitemins, secondly, what vitamins would you buy if you had sifficient money? “hat are vitamins? PDeseribe them to the best of your ability and elaborate upon their funetiona, : si alis siaaaeameiech eee Spagna tees es elites Y