Ledge or ask any questions that she might desire. In additim to carrying a full college course she took part in the social activities of the school. Helen was always very well ikea by her classmates ako ward somewhat awed by her ability 0 do so well. After graduation she served on the Massachussetts Commission For The Blind and on various some dtler in aid of the blind. She has become well known as a lecturer, and has traveled all over the world lecturing to large audiences. She also has become well known in the educational field and cultural possibilities of the plies Miss Ketber has written many books, the most famous being her autobiography. The life of Helen Keller is inspiring to others who have similar hand- icaps, and also be Sides Wie suffer not from physical handicaps, but from nothing but laziness. The life of Helen Keller shows the great possibilities of the touch sense. Palpation may be used to a great advantage if we wipl ve just train oursel#fs to take advantage of this touch sense.