President CLARENCE L. BURT, e’09 Hutchinson Directors CLEM LAMBORN, ‘07 Park Lane Hotel, Kansas City, Mo. GEORGE MARCH, ‘08, e’09 EI Reno, Okla. MARIA SLADE MAY, ‘16 Atchison T. J. STRICKLER, e’06 Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MYRA LITTLE REITZ, ’32 Argentine Station R.R. 2, Kansas City, Kans. Vice-President é BALFOUR S. JEFFREY, ‘25 . Nat'l Bk. of Topeka Bldg., » Topeka General Secretary and Editor Graduate Magazine FRED ELLSWORTH, ‘22 Lawrence Directors _ WALTER G. THIELE, I’10 Supreme Court, Topeka BRUCE HURD, I'14 Santa Fe Offices, Topeka JOHN E. BOYER, ‘28, I’30 W.K.H. Building, Wichita FRANK L. CARSON, ‘13 First Nat‘l Bank, Wichita DOLPH SIMONS, ‘25 Lawrence The University of Kansas Alumni Adseciation HEADQUARTERS - ROOM 2 - FRANK STRONG;HALL Lawrence - Kansas May 12, 1939 To Official K. U. Representatives: Here's an easy one for you; Please send us post- haste the names of all the alumni in your community who take an active interest in golf. We are going to have a REAL golf tournament at Com- mencement this year, and the committee wants to write directly to the alumni who are golfers. Add to your list parents of this year's graduating class. : - tournament committee. than Phog Allen himself in charge of promotion. whose names you send in will hear plenty from Phog, Professor Jake Jones was named chairman of the golf He called us together and put none other These persons If you don't answer this within the next three days, you will be hear- ing from him too. 18-hole course, with the finest greens you ever saw. The Lawrence Country Club has a perfectly wonderful The Com- mencement committee has authorized some fine prizes. Now you give us the names of these golfers, and I am betting dollars to doughnuts that Phog and Jake will have a golf tournament that is a tournament. P. Se eens Saul bllut0 Secretary If you're in a hurry just use the back of this letter. Active Membership, with Graduate Magazine Subscription, $3 Annually. Life Membership, $60 Single Payment or 10 lnsbollnents of $7.50.