The Bator & Taylar Cos, 55 Pifth Avenue, et 12th Ste, ‘New York Citye — — i 7 _ Tow order Toe JI-6709 sant to Sn throws Director of Physical Education, iene Basketball Coach. — Baker & Taylor Company, 55 Fifth Avenue at 12th Street, New York City, N.Y. Qne copy of MY BASKETBALL BIBLE . « « « « « $3.00 postage e « +05 : as ame das ao de wo e 33.05 FORM 1P 1CM 11-38 AG THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. i ala a 12th Street Wholesale Dealers in the Books of All Publishers NEW YORK, (24/38 le PLEASE SEND IMMEDIATELY witn sitt orn CANCEL. DO NOT SHIP OTHER THAN YOUR OWN PUBLICATIONS. WE REQUIRE WHOLESALE DEALERS DISCOUNTS. C.0O.D.SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. MARK PACKAGE AND BILL: “MAIL ORDER, 4TH FLoor, 12TH ST. ENTRANCE” BOOKS $10.00 LIST OCR OVER ARE TO BE QUOTED hefore being supplied unless price is motes on_ order. Order No. JH 5709 THE BAKER & TAYLOR CO. 2 @llen Zorz ester ay Haske theil Ditle 4 00 ~*~ Yoel * Baa te’ j sar ty he supplied F f they have All goods ordered by us are 1 DC sul bed ciel as Be " been produced in conformity with the Fair Labors®tandares * 1938. (THIS SIDE OF CARDIS FOR ADDRESS ] Smith-Gr ieves Go 1701 Washington St kensas Citys Moe i. “Thank: you go much for your good letter of a month ‘Of BO Age The delay in answering was aacounted for by the — ee : a als wkok be ene tebe pons Good luck and — eT “ Basket Ball Bible Statement January 1,1938 to April 1st,19358 ke KK KK RK KOK KR State Teachers College Dickinson, N. Dake & G. Ee Stechert Co. New York City 1 American News Co. New York City 1 Hale-Haas Corp. Hau Claire, Wisc. 2 Glenville State Teachers Co. Glenviile, W.Va. 13 Library Book House Springfield, Mass. = Je Ke Gili Cos Portland, Ore. a American News Co. New York City i Gover's Supply Co. Mt. Pleasant, Mich L | 25 Books previously sold and paid for §§— 12805 Total Books sold to Jan. 1,1938 ------- -- 12830 a Royalty on 25 books @ 50¢ each 12.50 | Smith Grieves raishing Oe, 17th and Kansas City, Mos Attention: Miss ik - Dear Mise Roifler: Thie afternoon I mailed the one only copy of “uy Basketball Bible" back to you firme I wrote you eae ce a ee ee ees might have a oali for it before the new book we but did not. Will you kindly give me credit for ong book ordered several mouths ago? . is Ga OF te Gelaeh, claserack grein Un we bare aoe rt Wis passing was so soon ater our visit with hin in Kansas Citys I told Mrte Allen of the visit I had with hin and cho said, “You tnow, 5 ree Wie Kentenentar ie we of Miss & . Reifler | Smith-Grieves Publishing Co., Kansas City, iiissour’. Dear Miss Reifler: I am wondering if you will send a ae we es of "My Basketball Bible". It might be well to have a couple on hand, and if I should . not use the two before you exhaust your supply, if — you would write me I mental sond the other tet back —_- upon your request. : : | We have use for one, but these belated ealls make me feel that I should be prepared and have an extra one on hand, I wili thank you if you will give this your prompt attention. 3 It was good to see you and Miss Bearg (I have forgotten her married a: And of course all these compliments profusely strewn by you and Miss Bearg about an old man looking young naturally hit the vanity spot. With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Noveuber . 1937. Miss By cy Rief ter > Smith-Grieves COs, i7th and Washington, Kansas City, ilo. Dear Miss mations W412 you kindly mail me pareel pia | three copies only of “My Basketball Bible?? 3 lip, Kleinhoffer tells me that you have but fifty books on hand, and I told him that I was vory certain we would get rid of these before the new book comes out. I am doing ay part in a small way to accomplish this end, It was good to see 7; people, espet- tally you ar and #iss Bearg - you know, I never tf know | band*s name. You know how vain men are, and when you womien say the things you de to old men and — they Look remnee _— makes a big hit oe mi. With every good wish, I am Very sincerely yours, FCAzAH = —si(itsté—‘“—~s*~*«éi ctor OF Physic Baucaation, Septeuber 17, 1937. Wiss E, c, Reifler, Smith Grieves Comping, L7th ond W ar é *, wae Miss Reiflor: : On August 2 4 saunas statement for +6 8S ae to me. *his: is for a Basketball , | Right after that I returned one only "Basketball Bibie" for. credit. iI aise sent an order in to you for a “Basketball Bible" to be matied out te a customer, I a@id not mail you the check fecling that there was more of a credit coming to me than was debited to mé,. I trust that agrees with your bookkeeper's account. | If you are not too busy, wast you ay: ine form me? Very cordially yours, / Director of Physical Education, * - MONTHLY STATEMENT SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, Printers A 24-HOUR PRINTING SERVICE TELEPHONE HA 2020 17TH AND WASHINGTON Kansas City, Mo., AUG 2 1937 Forrest C. Allen, 801 Lawrence, Lawrence, Kansase TERMS: Net cash. NO DISCOUNT. Accounts Payable First of month following date of Invoice. _ JUN 8 6.85 Oetober 22, 1937. lir, E, P, Graber, Freeman College, | Freeman, S. D, Deer Mr, Graber: | ee acknowledge with pleasure receipt of your post card dated October 20, asking that we send you one copy of “My Basketball Bible § CaOote | We have had a great deal of diffie eulty under this procedure because many peepie not tmowing the price are somewhat disappointed and send some of the books beck, thus causing some confusion. 7 Our procedure ie gonorally to write them and inform then of the price, and on receipt of |. a Post Offiee Meney Order we mail them the book, parcel >. post, insured without any extra charge to them, ‘The © price of “My Basketball Bible" is $4.00. If you would _ kindly meil us a money order for that amount we will ‘be very happy to send you the book, parcel post, insured, 3 immediately. ee For your information, the book contains - 480 pages vrofusely illustrated with photographs and . G@iagrams. It is divided into chapters on individual - Offense, individual defense, team defense, team offense, _ dinspirational coaching and the treatment of athletic dnjuries, It also contains a chapter on preparation _ for the season and action diagrams through the book + @xplain definitely the technique of the game. Very sincerely yours, ~ FOAAH . Z : Director of Physical Eé@ueation. Vetober 15, 1937. Smith-Grieves Publishing Co., 17th ami Washington, Attention: Miss Riefler. Dear Miss Riefler: Will you kindly send me two copies of “My Basketball Bible” to 801 Louisiane Street, —- by parcel post? , a foe i was under the impression that perhaps we won't have need for any more copies since the book is now thirteen years old, but sporadic inquiries come now and then, so if you will mail them to me and charge them to my — account, I will appreciate it, | | I am expecting to get up and have a visit with Mr, Smith and Mir. Kleinhoffer in the near future, | : Sincerely yours, ' Direetor of Physical Education, on individual offense, 4 By Forrest C, Allen “My Basketball Bible" contains 450 pages | profusely illustrated with photographs and diagrems, It 1s divided into chapters on individual offense, individual de- fense, team offense, team defense, inspirational coaching — ‘and the treatment of athletic injuries, It also contains a chapter on preperation for the season and action diagrams throughout the book explain definitely the technique of the game, Ce ence ee arena eee rere eee eT By Forrest C, Allen (Published by Smith- Grieves Co,, Kansas City, Moe,, Price $4400) ‘ily Basketball Bible" contains 450 pages profusely illustrated with photographs and ‘@iagrens, It is Givided into chapters on individual offense, individual de- fense, team offense, team defense, inspirational coaching and the treatment of athletic injuries. It also contains a chapter on preparation for the season and action diagrams | throughout the book explain definitely the technique of the game, | tami Eat oy ee “iy, J, F, Staley Superintendent of Schools, Nelson, Missouri. Dear Ur, Staley: : | I have just received a letter from Snith-e Grieves Company, in Kansas City, steting that they billed you @ book end tha you were returning the seme saving the price was prohibitive. ) es : | If they billed you the book for $4,00 certainly you were right as the school shovld have had some sort of a discount. However, the pries of the “Basketball Bible” has for twelve or thirteen years $4.00 at Lowe & Campbell, end other places where it is sola. Phey still earry the book ani it is sold at that : ee. I have just finished the manuseript of a new book, “Botter Basketball’, which deGraw=i Fi tii. and Co,, of New York, are publishing. It will be out in Late October or early November. i au sending you a descrip- tion of the material so that you will know what the new book is like, ie | : Z woulé be very hapny to hear from you in- forming moe why cr felt that the price of the "Basketball Bible" was prohibitive. All basketbell as well as football texts are not simple things to construct, and of course in this day of printing and binding the publishers have never been known to lose their hair by giving them away, I trust that you will have a fine year, Sincerely yours, | Direetor of Physical Edueation, HAROLD SMITH ~ cS is AUR ret Mca a - A. M. KLEINHOFFER LAWRENCE E. SMITH, JR. SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY, cinters SEVENTEENTH AND WASHINGTON KANSAS CITY, MO. : : September 18, 1937. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen:- The statement sent you on August 2nd was sent you in error, Dr. Allen, while I was on my vacation. Your account now stands $4.63, and this amount will be deducted from the payment due you when we make our report to you shortly after October lst. The order for book for J.F.Staley was billed to him at $4.00 and we have a letter from him saying that the price is. prohibitive. and that he is returning the book. To date we have not received it. . I'm sorry that the statement was sent you - so just ignore it. Very truly yours, Ae Edna C. Riefler SMITH-GRIEVES COMPANY — Dr. F. C. Allen DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Memo: In about a week write to Mr, Staley. about the new peck, = Sok a ‘badees, t was heppy to Se 7 totter of the 29th ultino,” and i asaure you it was 4 be = ee bear frow you. 1 an writing my publishor, -Smith-Grieves Publishing Company, 17th and Washington, Xanea ity, fo., asiring that they commmicate wit “you and. send you a eopy of the book, fs you @osires, oS ts Meese a pleosure to heer from former students apd @lumni of G.0.5.7.C. Tn tryinc to re- . the Fellow who struck me-out in one of the - - Paenlty | gemes I found that I bad great @ifficulty in wee Te fron that perticular standpoint, because eve f struck ont ane = ‘the tines . E Bot BD | te saaty I do xememher ou, and 7 ene ‘that = ney nase. aeeOSE, Lf trust — the: ao