F. W.KOLTERMAN , PRESIDENT H.A.GRUTZMACHER, CASHIER OTTO F. WEGNER .VicE-PRESIDENT THE First NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $ 50,000 ONAGA, KANSAS May 31, 19239. Dr. F.C.Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: I have your nice invitation of the 26th to participate in the golf tournament to be held at the Lawrence Country Club on June 10. I know that it will be an enjoyable affair and certainly do regret that I can not come over for it. I have some matters scheduled that will make it impossible for me to be away on that date so I will have to miss it this year. There is no reason why 2 few of the old timers can not give the young fellows a good drubbing at this match. In fact it might bea splendid idea to set them down a notch at this particular time in their lives. It would be preparation for a few of things they will run into in the coming years. My very bes# wishes for a grand success, and with personal regards and thanking you, I am, Very truly yours, A//