Lesson #2 MORE ABOUT THE HANDS The golf grip is a finger grip; so hold the club securely in the 'roots! of the fingers. Securely doesn't mean tightly, for we aren't trying to squeeze a "moo" out of the calfskin. The secret is a firm, solid hold - without having tightly drawn tendons. Once you have grasped the club firmly don't let go until you have completed the follow-through and the ball is far down the fairway. One of the most common and most disastrous faults we must overcome is a ten dency to lossen the fingers of the left hand at the top of the backswing. From the very beginning it is well ~ realize that golf is a game played with the hands. Practice grinping in your spare moments at home until it becomes natural with you. Bear in mind that many of our top ranking stars have spent hours exercising and strengthening their fingers. Grip that club tightly and then relax - over and over again. Many of the boys on the tournament trails carry a sawed-off grip or spring-type 'finger- and—hand'! strengthening device.