Lesson #4 MORE ABOUT STANCE Don't get the impression, while reading these lessons, that golf is a complicated game, because there are many things to be remembered. Just curb your impatience, and watch your enjoyment of the game grow. After your professional has helped you attain the proper stance in accordance with your physical build, many of the fundamental points will be much easier for you to remember. Let me assure you that if you have learned to count trumps, you will just as easily grasp these fundamentals as you advance in the game. After you have taken your proper stance - relax, "unlax", and take it easy. If you feel tight, turn around and walk away; then, start all over again. You can't hit the ball right with a feeling of being all "bound up". You must feel free and at ease. Sometimes, this tension can be relieved by slightly bending your kmees during the address. Remember the waggle is an aid to relaxation and concentration, but don't lose the entire value of it by an awkward, choppy, meaningless "feel" of the club-head. See that the waggle is entirely along the line of flight, so that it prepares the way for a rhythmic swing. But don't overdo it. ‘Two or three is sufficient, for a prolonged waggle generally means a poor shot.