Lesson #5 PLAYING THE WOODS Take your stance; place the pall slightly to the right of your left heel; point your toes outwardly; be perfectly relaxed; take your few waggles along the line of flight; then you are ready ‘to begin your backswing. With a straight left arm, start turning your left hip inwardly to the right, slightly bending your left !mee as you take the club~head backward low along the ground. Remember = you don't lift the club-head, it comes up itself as the body continues to wind up. The left knee turns further to the right and points towards the balls; the right leg automatically straightens as the weight of the body is placed upon it. The amount of turn that will keep your hands and forearms always under control is another point that can be answered only by your own professional. The hips ian shoulders mst turn enough to keep out of the way of the hands and forearms - giving smooth motion without any obstructions. Thus, we again encounter physical differences - the tall thin player may get more power with a fuller pivot; while the short wkoitey pharer might need a more open stance with a shorter pivot.