Lesson #7 THE DOWNSWING Have you been waiting impatiently since our last lesson for me to tell you to go ahead and hit the ball? Please don't hurry, for ve don't master golf by "leaps and bounds". The golfers! heaven is reached by going to the horizon and walking the arc to the top, rather than the jerky motion of going up those golden stairs. Never be so anxious to start your downswing that you fail to finish your backswing. Let your wrists cock at the top; let your hands slow down momenterily; always keep the club-head under full control. Hew can you tell that you aren't hurrying the downswing? Why that's easy. If you keep your grip firm and never relax the left arm, you'll feel your backswing all of the way and have perfect control of the club-head. Just the second you feel that control slipping slightly ~ you're on the verge of overswinging. Hurrying causes overswinging - both are vices. By keeping that feel of control during your backswing- you'll naturally stop momentarily at the top, and you will have acquired, almost without trying, the expert golfer's pause before starting the downswing. Remember a firm grip and a stiff left arm makes you the boss of the club=head. Then practice it until that feeling of control fits like an old glove, and I won't be able to give you any strokes when next we play.