MONTEVIDEO, 27 de Junio de 1941 Universidad de Kensas My Highly Esteemed Doctor Allen: I am sending you a picture taken in one of the finest country elubs in the world. Our country has many very good ones, It is a picture of boy athletes at Piriapolis, which is in Uruguay, devoting themselves with greatest enthusiasm in the practice of Goal-Hi, which in our country is practiced most enthusiastically in the summer months. : The equipment which is seen in the picture is of their own native manufacture. : On the occasion of the recent meet for the South American championship of basketball in the Argentinian city of Mendoza, I interested some sportsmen of Argentina and Peru in the game of your invention « Goal-Hi. Soon I shall have the chance to interest friends in Chile, but I come upon the difficulty of the fact that I do not have publicity material and the inconvenience that the equipment is too expensive when it is brought from the United States. I should appreciate it very mich if you would send to me, if possible, some pictures and publicity material, Because of their ‘being in each country some sportsmen of some clubs who may decide I to import the equipment, the manufacture of the same in each i. country would be most plausible. I shall fee] honored in serving 4 yous My effection and admiration for your champion Bob, and kindly accept the respectable affection of your constant admirer’. H. Lopez Reboledo Calle Blanc 869 Apt. 4 Montevideo, R. 0. del Uruguay