Page 10 RULE 2 The Goal-Hi Basket Only one basket is required to play the game. It shall consist of a ring 18 inches in diameter, inside dimension, supported by three curved braces that join and become a part of the basket base or cone that is in the form of a three-way chute which serves as a runway for the ball when leaving the basket through one of the three exits, and which causes the ball to arch away from the vertical standard supporting the basket so that it (the ball) will strike the floor or ground outside of the innermost or restrain- ing circle of the playing court. Each of the three exits through which the ball may escape from the basket shall be fitted with a swinging gate that will prevent the entrance of a low ball from the outside when it strikes any part of the basket below the ring. The three gates shall be con- structed and attached to the 18 inch ring so that the normal departure of the ball from the inside of the basket through any one of the three exits will not be retarded. The basket shall be at a height so that the 18 inch ring will be 10 feet above the floor or ground for College (adult) or High School players, 9 feet for players of Junior High School age, and 8 feet for Elementary School players. RULE 3 The Ball The ball shall be spherical and shall be rubber con- struction covered with leather, or airtight rubber construction. Its circumference shall not be greater than 30 inches and not less than 291/2 inches. RULE 4 The Officials Section 1. The officials shall be a referee, a timekeeper, and a scorer, and shall not be connected in any way with either team.