' United States Army Air Forces 18 August, 1944 Dear Dr. Allen, Thank you for sending me the Jayhawk Rebounds. I have received every issue and have enjoyed them, passing them on to two other KU fellows who are in my squadron. Since finishing five weeks basic training at Sheppard Field, I have attended two month's CTD at U. of Cincinnati and am now "on the line" at Perrin Field, Texas, between Sherman and Dennison. Please sand my next copy at this# address# for I am not sure when I will be sent to pre-flight at SAACC (San Antonio.) 250 leave in August with 250 more in September. 100 will be left over for Ocbbber.and since my squadron had the fewest weeks of CTD we'll probably remain here longest. We won't mind for we then would get 10 day furloughs and would enjoy? pre-fligkt under more favorable weather conditions. It's plenty hot there now. At Cincinnati I saw several Reds' games, seeing an entire Cardinal series. I also saw the Cubs# and Pirates. Tho not realizing it at the time, i saw the best two teams in the Am. League in action## tHe B4G when I saw the Browns and Red Sox in St. Louis in June. Other sports features enjoyed at Cincy was the finals of the Bri-State tennis matches in which Seguara beat Iglbert and Bundy beat the women's champ, P. Betz. All these attractions were for free. We lived in dormatories, ate better than any king, and naturally our morale was indeed high. Thus svoiled, we griped a little about adjusting back to Gt life here but find we are ag&&n enjoying most favorable circumstances. Here July 4th Sam Rayburn spoke and two new wwimming pools were opened. Yesterday I saw Waco AAF trounce the Perrin team. Waco, winners of Texas tourney, boasts Sid Hudson, Birdie Tebbets, and Nick Popovich, former major leaguers.