August 30, 1948 Wint eld, “er Dear Wr. Evans: . Thanks for your letter of August 27. I shall reavect your request that. I do not tell Dr. Allen abot: your letters He kmows that I wrote to you so I guess the only thing I can tell him is that you do not want to be quoteds He is greatly interested in Ae out avout the boys, and I would like to deliver to him the facts contained. Do you have any suggestions? I like what you have to say avout my sister. She has been showing up her littk brother through ell the years. You may, believe that we ere ell overjoyed at the recogni-+ tione she has received and the opportunity for the wide — - gontacts eand’service she gets in carrying out the type of thing thet is so dear to her and in which she hes her best talentse I don't know whether you know the bad breaks she hee had all e long the way and the obstacles _@he has overcome--not as bad of course as some people «ho ere orippled and blind, ut ehe has always been more than willing to take the rap for her meets and her friends and to ry the burdens “With kindest regards and best wishes, I am Cordially yours, Secretary