_ Eee A statement by the originator of Ss ae Famous Basketball Authority and Basketball Coach America’s New Play-Game Se University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kans. In recent months, several pieces of equipment which appear somewhat similar on the surface to the Official GOAL-HI Standard have appeared on the market. Imitation is frequently described as the highest type of flattery. Be that as it may, I believe there is an obligation on my part to direct the attention of all interested parties to the fact that GOAL-HI is a game — not merely a piece of equipment. The trade names for such competitive equipment are sufficiently different to avoid infringement of the copyright laws. Further, such imitations are lacking certain mechanical or construction fea- tures, important to the game, which are fully protected by U. S. Patents. Those differences are important to the buyer. They have a definite bearing on the game — on the degree of safety, exercise value, interest and enthusiasm provided the player. However, as important as those exclusive mechanical features are, I am anxious to emphasize some- thing of even greater importance to the prospective purchaser, that Goal-Hi is a game — not merely a piece of equipment. Official rules and court layout information for playing GOAL-HI as a formal or informal game, by large or small groups, are available, and are the result of much study and work on our part. GOAL- HI, as represented by these rules and other data, called for months of effort in drawing the essentials necessary to make it the great game that it is. From a lifetime of close contact with basketball and other sport and recreation activities we have fashioned this splendid game. When seeking a new game for your school, community playground, camp, etc. insist on Official GOAL-HI Equipment and receive my complete rules book and other valuable data without additional cost. It costs little to play GOAL-HI. Official GOAL-HI Standards are inexpensive and are sold subject to a guarantee of ‘‘Your complete satisfaction guaranteed or money returned.’’ Obviously a broad guarantee like this could not be offered if GOAL-HI had not conclusively satisfied the thou- sands of buyers who are playing my game in every part of the country.