Goal-Hi is New Sport _ Invented. By Dr. Allen Lawrence, Kan., a uly 14 (AP)—Dr. | court 50 feet in diameter. There is a F, C. Allen, versatile Kansas U. coach | 6-foot circle around the goal, which who’s always tinkering with basket-| has no backboard. No player is per- ball, has come to the rescue of unlucky | mitted in this area without penalty. haces who toss goals into opponents’| When a goal is made, the ball is Goal ht a variation of basketball, deflected back into the court by 2 has only one goal and it’s the target metal ee Thue there is no letup of both sides. The new sport made |S in the regular cage sport. its debut last night with former col-| Players who commit fouls are lege stars mixing it in a strenuous| placed in a penalty box for a time, 41 to 40 contest. as in hockey, leaving their team- The game is played on a circular | mates short. Newey, eer ey ey 8 NTRODUCE NEW GAME ‘GOAL-HI HAS ITS DEBUT | A Word... — : N OF kK / THE GAME: ANSAS IS ernment ee E stration of Goal-Hi Basket- oe ning a S INVENTOR. ee oem Npall Tonight at K. U- orl & inator oO In Contest Played at : : co G@AL-HI “Goal-Hi” a new basketball game Law: as., Jayhawkers Defeat ildcats, 41 to 40. ee ill be pre- igi d by Dr. Allen will ] ceted % fe public for the fet ee Thursday night, July 18, at 8:3 2 . The free demonstration yal Pee ayes theast corner ei Set two teams composed of oat i students participat- Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coach of the University of Kansas, better known wherever basketball is played or discussed as “‘Phog’’ Allen, has had the longest period of services r. i i eight mounted on a tripo ee aaa surrounded by ee lines of different circumference. | ne first area is included in a ¢l ce six feet diameter and is oe see territory. No player 18 @ ove eat this area without penalty. ee ond area is limited by a space e be- orresponds to the spac ; nen the free throw lines of a regu i layed two quarters will be p TY Orie peeaeat baskeria” ed i last two will é var We oar aystent which se the player who commits the foul in i ‘te similar to hockey regulations. e The pane will start ee ke lights at 8:30 o’clock. The py) ue cordially invited and there ld awkers: Bob Allen, Gera See Lee Casida, Dean New Max Replogle, Bob. Klawuhbn, pee Connor, Virgi Wise, an ( ee deat: Dick Harp, Fen oe and, Ken Senter, Dave Se se Masoner, Charles Linden, J ohn Krum, Bill Arthur, and Al Emch. a penalty box for one minute, which. twenty-one of his twenty-seven years of coaching. Dr. Allen was for two years President of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and is now Chairman of the Research Committee of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. He enthusiasm, knowledge, leadership and loyalty for more than thirty-seven years. MAKE FILM DEBUT FOR PARAMOUNT NEWS _Goal-Hi made its film debut yes- terday afternoon on the Stadium Field with Billy Andlauer, Paramount Newsreel photographer, shooting 1000 film are a group of Kansas Univer- sity and Haskell Indian athletes. Fans of the popular new game will get another chance to see it in action tonight when the Gunners, captained by “Odd” Williams meet the Artil- lerymen. These teams are made up of younger boys. A still younger group will play tomorrow night when the two teams which played such a close game last week will meet again. : ad Ba ersi 1 gate” Pe varsity and Players from i € space between t hes of ar The goal og eee |= CG. Allen JOR f ‘ #0sas basketball coach pony. of any collegiate basketball coach. His fan og uction to coach, had its teams have won championships in env as outdoors aroun former the : : 8round before a erowa 9. Parade rea: ‘ch is known as the is also Chairman of Basketball from € a crowd of ‘ a ane aad this territory 1s the 5th District of the N. C. A. A. Dr. Ne 300 sbectators, ea in play at all times. ane a fo eae Allen is widely in demand as a speaker periods, the fin nes through four been committed the § Gace in the and instructor of the game to which he In favor of Core was 41 to 40 throw his shot from any PF outside has contributed unstintingly of his i ] The as . ae an diameter and this ft area is ee Pp and score also,» ° tab the ball all court. ; oS pase an ea i, diameter 4 0% ,8 field fifty tesem® ec ae ae € goal ost; -foot circle is around aoe i Sa pow a ae nae has lee back out into the court immed ea id 2 ae making the play sve Se bh ga GOAL-HI AND ATHLETES ond aces" pal Th porn wane is to be played in quar- ters of seven and one-half minutes. into the eo ately by a metal] urt immedi- : cone, thereb , : room. feet of the new game invented b ing the play eoot y nale. per lenten ‘will ae Dr. F Ce Allen Puucipalg jh the penalties inuous, Pe cioine are the two squads: he penalt — ee e two ten Sports Corresponds to e free throw tball court. ; ben target from goal is de- s E mitteed ie oy er Ottawa unj- was the star of the Copyright 1939 Fred Medart Mfg. Co.