Dr. Forrest C. “Phog” Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas—Lawrence, Kans. “As parents and as educators we desire physical fitness, emotional stability and mental poise as chief charac- teristics for our youngsters. I once heard eight educators speaking on the platform of the National Physical Education and Health and Recreation Association Convention say that basketball possessed all of the qualities necessary for the educable child. I too, subscribe to that belief. Every basketball coach knows that to play basketball is to exercise every part of the body; that the simple act of shooting at a goal above the head elevates the ribs and thorax and thus develops the entire upper thoracic area — an extremely important exercise much neglected in our usual sedentary existence of this age. Likewise I know that basketball as we play it today has become a fast, highly developed game of a formal nature and more or less limited to a short indoor season and to players of high school and university age. Appreciating the good of basketball and at the same time recognizing its limitations, I have long sought a solution or answer to the conviction that some form of basketball could be developed that retained all of the good and yet would be less formal, not limited to any season, playable out of doors as well as indoors, and offering the same fun and healthful benefits to children in elementary schools as to the high school and uni- versity player and with no limitations on the number of players on a team. Thus GOAL-HI was conceived. This new play-game can be strictly formal with a limited number of players per team and completely regulated by the rules I have developed. Goal-Hi, on the other hand, may be entirely informal with any number of players participating. Several variations for playing the game are possible. I have attempted to keep the rules simple and elastic so that they may be easily modified to suit individual conditions. Goal-Hi is a healthful, funful play-game for the little tots in the school yards and on the playground. Itisa splendid lead-up game to basketball for the youngsters of Junior High School age and for the High School boys and girls and University man and woman, it offers much in the way of athletic challenge plus all ‘round exer- cise. I think it hardly necessary for me to direct the attention of basketball coaches like myself to the excellent results that may be anticipated when one or more pieces of Goal-Hi equipment are conveniently located to encourage the regular basketball squad to practice shooting baskets throughout the year.” Tigo