GOAL-HI OFFICIAL EQUIPMENT PATENTED IN THE U.S. AND CANADA Manufactured and Sold Under License Agreement by MERCHANDISING DIVISION of FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. Manufacturers of Sport, Health and Recreation Equipment...Since 1873 POTOMAC AND DEKALB STS, » » » ST. LOUIS, MO. DIAGRAM OF G@AL-HI COURT restrictions without out OF BOUNDS Liv, OUTDOOR COURT INDOOR COURT OUTER COURT 2 IN. Goal-Hi may be played 30 Or 20 Fr RADIUS as a strictly formal ie RE game as provided for 3 ee in the Official Rules uggeste ‘imensions a Book — but, as an in- may be altered to con- formal play-game, form to local space with large teams par- ticipating, the value of sacrifice of fun, interest afr — RADIUS 2In. 2 OUTSIDE RADIUS Goal-Hi indoors in the or exercise value . gymnasium, or out-of- doors on the play- ground, increases immeasurably .... ee